Endelig, murveggen mot hovedveien med metallgjerde og elektrisk port i oversettelse - Endelig, murveggen mot hovedveien med metallgjerde og elektrisk port i engelsk hvordan å si

Endelig, murveggen mot hovedveien m

Endelig, murveggen mot hovedveien med metallgjerde og elektrisk port i rustfritt stål er ferdig oppsatt.
Totale kostnader ble ca. 140-150.000 THB, som er ca. 32-35.000 norske kroner.

Gjerdet og portdelen ble utført på et lite verksted og det ”designet” er ulikt alt annet. (Selvkomponert)
Under installasjonen siste dag var det 9 mennesker som utførte monteringen, sveising og el-arbeid en hel dag. Kostnaden for den delen ble 92.000 THB (ca. 21.400 NOK), som var inkl. ca. 2-3 ukers sveising/konstruksjon.
De øvrige utgiftene var for Leca blokker, sement, sand, stein, armeringsjern og maling. Dette arbeidet tok ca. 1 uke og ble utført av 4 personer.

Jeg opplyser om dette for å illustrere prisen, og hvor rimelig det er på noen områder her i Thailand fremdeles, og jeg antar at noe lignende i Norge ville ha blitt 5 ganger så dyrt, eller mer.
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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
Finally, the brick wall from the main road with the metal fence and electric port in stainless steel finish bent.The total cost was approximately 140-150,000 THB, which is approximately 32-35,000 u.s. dollars. The fence and port section was carried out on a small workshop and the "designed" is unlike anything else. (An original)During the installation of the last day, there were 9 people who carried out the Assembly, welding and el-work a full day. The cost for the part was 92,000 THB (approx. 21.400 ENOUGH), which was inclusive. about 2-3 week welding/construction.The remaining expenditure was for Leca blocks, cement, sand, stone, Rebar and paint. This work took about 1 week and was carried out by 4 people.I explain this to illustrate the price, and how affordable it is in some areas here in Thailand still, and I guess that something similar in Norway would have been 5 times as expensive, or more.
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
Finally, the wall towards the main road with metal fence and electric gate in stainless steel assembly is completed.
The total cost was approximately 140-150000 THB, which is approximately 32-35000 Norwegian kroner.

The fence and gate section was performed on a small workshop and the "designed" is unlike anything else. (Self Composed)
During installation last day there were nine people who performed the installation, welding and electrical work a full day. The cost of the part was 92,000 THB (about 21 400 NOK), which was included. Ca. 2-3 week welding / construction.
The other expenses was Leca blocks, cement, sand, stone, rebar and paints. This work took about 1 week and were performed by 4 persons.

I disclose this to illustrate the price, and how affordable it is in some areas here in Thailand still, and I suppose something similar in Norway would have been 5 times as expensive, or more.
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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
E%20welding%20and%20el-work%20A%20whole%20Day.%20Cost%20for%20the%20section%20was%2092.000%20THB%20(approx.%2021.400%20ENOUGH),%20that%20was%20incl.%20approx.%202-3%20weeks%20welding/design.%5EDe%20%C3%B8other%20expenses%20was%20for%20Leca%20blocks,%20cement,%20sand,%20stone,%20rearm iron%20and%20paint.%20This%20work%20took%20approx.%201%20week%20and%20was%20utf%C3%B8rt%20of%204%20people.%5E%5EJeg%20says%20about%20this%20for%20%C3%A5%20illustrate%20price,%20and%20where%20affordable%20it%20is%20p%C3%A5%20some%20omr%C3%A5where%20here%20in%20Thailand%20still,%20and%20i%20assume%20that%20something%20similar%20in%20Norway%20would%20have%20been%205%20times%20s%C3%A5%20expensive,%20or%20more.%5E
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