INNKJØPSammen med organisasjonen Norske Kunsthåndverkere og kunstindus oversettelse - INNKJØPSammen med organisasjonen Norske Kunsthåndverkere og kunstindus engelsk hvordan å si

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Sammen med organisasjonen Norske Kunsthåndverkere og kunstindustrimuseene i Oslo og Bergen, har museet siden 1990 hatt ansvar for Norske Kunsthåndverkeres Fond til innkjøp av norsk kunsthåndverk fra samtiden. Fondet har satt museene i stand til å dokumentere utviklingen i norsk kunsthåndverk.


Foreningen Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseums Venner støtter museets arbeid med å ta vare på og formidle kunsthåndverk og design. Se venneforeningens hjemmeside for mer info, og bli medlem ved å sende epost til
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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
PURCHASETogether with the Organization of Norwegian Artists and art museums in Oslo and Bergen, the Museum has since 1990 been responsible for Norwegian artisans ' Funds to the purchase of the Norwegian arts and crafts from the contemporary age. The Fund has put the museums able to document the development of the Norwegian arts and crafts.FRIENDS ASSOCIATIONThe Association of Decorative Arts Museum Nordenfjeldske Friends support the Museum's efforts to take care of and convey the art craft and design. See the Friends Association's website for more info, and become a member by sending email to
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
PROCUREMENT Along with the organization Norwegian Craftsmen Art and museums in Oslo and Bergen, the museum has since 1990 been responsible for Norwegian Arts and Crafts Fund to purchase Norwegian crafts from contemporaries. The Fund has set museums able to document trends in Norwegian crafts. SUPPORTING Society Decorative Arts Industrial Museum Friends supports the museum's efforts to preserve and convey craft and design. See friend Association website for more info and join by sending email to

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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]

along with organization Norwegian Kunsthåndverkere and kunstindustrimuseene in Oslo and Bergen, museum has since 1990 been responsible for Norwegian Kunsthåndverkeres Fund for the purchase of Norwegian arts and crafts from today. The Fund has been set the museums able to document the development of the Norwegian arts and crafts.


The Association Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseums Friends supports the museum's efforts to preserve and promote arts and crafts and design. See norwegian website for more info, and become a member by sending an email to .
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