Det eldste språket vi kjenner fra Norge, er urnordisk. Det utviklet se oversettelse - Det eldste språket vi kjenner fra Norge, er urnordisk. Det utviklet se engelsk hvordan å si

Det eldste språket vi kjenner fra N

Det eldste språket vi kjenner fra Norge, er urnordisk. Det utviklet seg til norrønt i slutten av folkevandringstiden.

Norrønt er en fellesbetegnelse for gammelnorsk og gammelislandsk. I Norge regnes den norrøne perioden fra cirka 700 til 1350. I skriftspråket ser man et skille i tiårene etter 1350, som kom som følge av at en ny generasjon skrivekyndige kom til etter svartedauden.

Mellomnorsk er overgangen fra norrønt til moderne norsk. Den mellomnorske perioden tidfestes til cirka 1350 til 1525. I mellomnorsk forenkles bøyingssystemet kraftig, blant annet forsvinner store deler av kasussystemet. I perioden forsvant det norske skriftspråket og ble erstattet av dansk.

Den språkhistoriske perioden fra 1525 kalles moderne norsk eller nynorsk. I denne perioden oppstår både bokmål og nynorsk som skriftspråk, og avløser dansk som skriftspråk i Norge.

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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
The oldest language we know from Norway, is Proto-Norse. It evolved into old Norse at the end of the time.Old Norse is a generic term for old Norse and old Icelandic. In Norway is considered the Norse period from approximately 700 to 1350. In written language, you see a distinction in the decades after 1350, which came as a result of a new generation of literate came to after the black death.Mellomnorsk is the transition from old Norse to modern Norwegian. The mellomnorske period of time be attached to about 1350 to 1525. In the mellomnorsk simplifies the bending system powerful, including disappearing large parts of the case system. In the period the Norwegian written language disappeared and was replaced by Danish.The språkhistoriske period from 1525 called modern Norwegian or nynorsk. During this period occurs in both bokmål and nynorsk as a written languages, and supersede Danish as the written languages in Norway.your jester
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
The oldest language known from Norway, the Scandinavian languages. It evolved into Old Norse at the end of the migration period. Norse is a generic term for old Norwegian and Old Icelandic. In Norway considered the Norse period from about 700 to 1350. In the written language sees a distinction in the decades after 1350, which came as a result of a new generation of literate came after the Black Death. Between Norwegian is the transition from Old Norse to modern Norwegian. The medium-Norwegian period dated to approximately 1350 to 1525. In between Norwegian simplified bending system sharply, partly disappears large parts of the case system. In the period before disappearing into the Norwegian written language and was replaced by Danish. The language historical period from 1525 called modern Norwegian or Norwegian. During this period occurs both Norwegian and New Norwegian as a written language, and it supersedes Danish as a written language in Norway. Your jester

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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
The oldest language we know from Norway, is urnordisk. It evolved to the middelalderparken at the end of the people travel time.

Middelalderparken is a common designation for the old norwegian and old Icelandic. In Norway is considered the Norse period from approximately 700 to 1350. In the Font language you can see a separator in the decades after 1350, which came as a result of that a new-generation desktop proficient came to after the Black Plague.

Between the Norwegian is the transition from the middelalderparken to modern Norwegian. It between the Norwegian period scheduled to approximately 1350 to 1525. In between the Norwegian facilitated bending system powerful, including disappears large parts of the case system. In the period disappeared the Norwegian handwriting language and was replaced by the Danish.

The language historical period from 1525 is called modern norwegian or Norwegian.In this period occurs both bokmal and subjects as the font language, and supersedes the Danish that handwriting language in Norway.

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