Thor Heyerdahl sin bragd med å seile over Stillehavet på en balsaflåte oversettelse - Thor Heyerdahl sin bragd med å seile over Stillehavet på en balsaflåte engelsk hvordan å si

Thor Heyerdahl sin bragd med å seil

Thor Heyerdahl sin bragd med å seile over Stillehavet på en balsaflåte blir enda mer imponerende når man tenker på at han slet med vannskrekk helt fra barndommen. Og det er her denne filmen starter. Kameraten Erik redder Thor fra drukningsdøden, men det påvirker ikke eventyrlysten til gutten – snarere tvert imot.

Som ung mann gifter Thor seg med kjæresten Liv, og sammen reiser de på kjærlighetsreise til stillehavsøya Fatu Hiva. Her sås roten til teorien hans om at de første innbyggerne i Polynesia kom seilende med den sørlige ekvatorialstrømmen fra Peru. Ekteparet får to gutter sammen, men Thor er en skikkelig stabeis, og han blir nærmest besatt av tanken på å bevise teorien sin. Han reiser til New York på jakt etter økonomisk støtte, men stort sett hele den vitenskapelige verden fnyser av ideen hans. Men han klarer til slutt å skrape sammen midler og utstyr, blant annet med hjelp fra presidenten i Peru og den amerikanske marinen. Samtidig møter han ingeniøren og kjøleskapsselgeren Herman, som blir med på ferden sammen med Erik og tre andre eventyrere – to motstandsmenn fra krigen og en svensk friskus.

Ferden over havet blir langt fra udramatisk, og møtet med haier, voldsomme stormer og andre naturfenomener holder på å knekke den gode moralen til mannskapet, og det er ikke til å unngå at det oppstår gnisninger mellom de ulike personlighetene.
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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
Thor Heyerdahl his accomplishment to sail across the Pacific on a balsaflåte becomes even more impressive when you consider that he struggled with water all the way from horror childhood. And this is where this movie starts. Buddy Erik Thor rescues from death by drowning, but it does not affect the adventurous to the boy-quite the contrary.As a young man marries Thor with his girlfriend's life, and together they travel on love travel to Pacific island of Fatu Hiva. Here planting the root of his theory that the first inhabitants of Polynesia came sailing with the southern Equatorial stream from Peru. The couple will get two guys together, but Thor is a real Mule, and he is almost obsessed with the idea of to prove his theory. He travels to New York looking for financial support, but pretty much all the scientific world dismisses the idea. But he manages to eventually to scrape together funds and equipment, among other things, with the help of the President of Peru and the u.s. Navy. At the same time he meets the engineer and kjøleskaps sell pure, which is being with Herman on the journey together with Erik and three other adventurers-two men from the resistance war and a Swedish friskus.The Mission of the sea are far from undramatic, and meeting with the sharks, violent storms and other natural phenomena are holding on to crack the good morale of the crew, and it is inevitable that there is going to be friction between the different personalities.
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
Thor Heyerdahl's accomplishment to sail across the Pacific on a balsa raft becomes even more impressive when you consider that he struggled with fear of water right from childhood. And this is where this movie starts. Buddy Erik rescues Thor from drowning, but it does not affect the adventurous to the boy - quite the contrary. As a young man marries Thor his girlfriend Liv, and together they travel on love travel to Pacific island Fatu Hiva. Here sown root of his theory that the first inhabitants of Polynesia sailed with the southern equatorial current from Peru. The couple have two boys together, but Thor is a real mule, and he becomes obsessed by the ambition to prove his theory. He travels to New York in search of financial support, but mostly throughout the scientific world scoffs at the idea of his. But he eventually manages to scrape together funds and equipment, including with the assistance of the President of Peru and the US Navy. At the same time he meets the engineer and refrigerators seller Herman, who joins the expedition along with Erik and three other adventurers - to resistance fighters from the war and a Swedish Friskus. The journey over the seas are far from undramatic, and meeting with sharks, violent storms and other natural phenomena are doing to crack the good morale of the crew, and it is inevitable that there is friction between the different personalities.

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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
Thor Heyerdahl his feat to sail across the Pacific Ocean on a by balsa wood raft will be even more impressive when you consider that he struggled behind when things get wet from their childhood. And it is here that the movie starts. My buddy Erik rescues Thor from drukningsdøden, but this does not affect adventurous to the boy - rather to the contrary.

as a young man married Thor with his girlfriend lives,And together they travel on kjærlighetsreise to stillehavsøya Fatu Hiva. Here sås the root of his theory that the first inhabitants of Polynesia was floated with the southern equatorial counter-current from Peru. Elder will get two boys together, but Thor is a real stabeis, and he is almost obsessed with the to prove his theory. He travels to New York looking for financial support,But most of the scientific world fnyser of his idea. But he's finally to scrape together funds and equipment, including with the help of the president of Peru and the us marine corps. Simultaneously he meets engineer and kjøleskapsselgeren Herman, who will journey together with Erik and three other adventurers - two motstandsmenn from war and a Swedish friskus.

Journey over the sea is far from udramatisk, and the meeting with the sharks, fierce storms and other acts of nature, holding on to crack the good moral to the crew, and it is not to avoid chafing likely between the different personalities.
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