Hannah BACK-parlor
Swedish/Norwegian Hannah back (1894-1970) is one of 1900'S most distinctive and truly believe artists. Subjects in Ryggens vevnader expresses a strong political commitment, and visualizations of her reactions to the simultaneous, political events from the 1930s and until her death in 1970. Formmessig represents plants a renewal of tekstilkunsten.Hannah Ryggens art is increasingly relevant, something that comes to expression through frequent requests for loans from museums in Norway and abroad.
Nordenfjeldske Norway Museum of Decorative Art sets for time out Hannah Ryggens carpet we live on a star (1958). Then regjeringsbygningen was attacked 22 July 2011, was formed a flenge on the lower part. Even after the exact restoration is scarred after flengen visible.Wounded in the poetry of his lyrics and amorous subject can be read as a symbol of his wound in a whole nation after terror bombings.
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