Aasens lansering av et norsk skriftspråk, og Wergelands og Knudsens pr oversettelse - Aasens lansering av et norsk skriftspråk, og Wergelands og Knudsens pr engelsk hvordan å si

Aasens lansering av et norsk skrift

Aasens lansering av et norsk skriftspråk, og Wergelands og Knudsens programmer for gradvis fornorsking av det danske, førte til to konkurrerende retninger. I 1885 ble landsmålet jamstilt som offisiell språkform ved at Stortinget vedtok kirkekomiteens henstilling til regjeringen: «Regjeringen anmodes om at træffe fornøden Forføining til, at det norske Folkesprog som Skole- og officielt Sprog sidestilles med vort almindelige Skrift- og Bogsprog» («jamstillingsvedtaket»). I folkeskolen ble jamstillingen fastslått ved folkeskoleloven av 1892, som overlot til skolestyret å bestemme om landsmål eller bokmål skulle brukes som opplærings- og lærebokmål i kommunen. Ved lærerskolene ble skriftlig prøve i begge mål innført ved lov i 1902, i gymnaset i 1907.
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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
Aasens launch of a Norwegian written language, and Wergeland's and Knudsen programs for gradual fore of the Danish, led to two competing directions. In 1885 was the national target as the official jamstilt language form by the Storting adopted the kirkekomiteens recommendations to the Government: "the Government that is requested for the emergency to træffe Forføining, that the Norwegian Folkesprog as school-and Language be officielt page our almindelige font and Bogsprog" ("jamstillings decision"). In the primary school was jamstillingen determined by grade school law of 1892, which left it to the School Board to decide whether the national targets or was to be used as a learning English Dictionary and textbook goals in the municipality. By training schools was writing sample in both goals introduced by law in 1902, in high school in 1907.
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
Aasen's launch of a Norwegian written and Wergelands and Knudsen programs for gradual assimilation of the Danish led to two competing directions. In 1885 country target jamstilt as official languages ​​form by Parliament adopted church committee recommendation to the government: "The government requested that træffe fornøden arrangements for the meeting, the Norwegian Folkesprog as Schools and Officially Language equated with vort ordinary Font and Bogsprog" ("jamstillingsvedtaket» ). In elementary school was jamstillingen determined by elementary school law of 1892, which left it to the school board to decide whether the national idiom or Bokmål was to be used as learning and teaching bokmål municipality. By teacher schools were written test in both goals introduced by law in 1902, while in high school in 1907.
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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
Aasens the launch of a Norwegian handwriting language, and Wergeland's and Knud Sens applications for gradually fornorsking of the Danish, led to two competing directions. In 1885 was countries target jamstilt as official languages form by the Storting decided kirkekomiteens urging them to the government: "The Government requested that the traeffe fornøden Forføining to,That the Norwegian People that thou canst School and officielt Language side can be adjusted with the vort almindelige font and Bogsprog" ("jamstillingsvedtaket"). People in the school was jamstillingen determined by people school law of 1892, which handed to school board to determine whether the landsmål or bokmal should be used as teaching and learning teaching in the municipality. By learning schools was written try in both dimensions introduced by law in 1902,In the secondary teachers in 1907.
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