Documentation requirements related to the organization
it must be presented documentation of the næringsdrivendes competence and role in the organization. It must further be presented an accurate description of your organization's art, finance and budget plans and general ledger if this is present. It must also be presented forhåndsuttalelse the necessary permits from other authority will be provided, cf.Utlendingsforskriften § 6-18other joints.
The requirements are further detailed in the circular is published in Norwegian and English:
• documentation on education that contains information about degree duration, level and the content and/or documentation on yrkesfaring containing detailed information from previous employers about arbeidsforholdets duration, training, assignments and applicant's qualifications.
• Authority/approval from relevant fagmyndighet, if your application for work in a regulated profession.
• accurate description of your organization's art, including applicant's assessment of the market and sales potential for your product/service and applicant's role in the organization.
• Any necessary permission from the public authority or forhåndstilsagn about permission.
• Documentation on the financial foundation for your operation. By finalizing: financing and budget plans. In continuation of the existing themes: general ledger
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