Navn: Kim Jacob Pettersen
Født: 11.12.1973
Telefon: 95877667
Adresse: Ropnesvn. 82
Postnummer/-sted: 9107 KVALØYA
Epost: kim@solbergpettersen.no

Navn: Svanhild Ellburg(ideell ½) f. 12.04.1980
Tom Freddy Ellburg (ideell ½) f. 11.02.1971
Telefon: 91744822
Adresse: Steinvollan
Postnummer/-sted: 9040 NORDKJOSBOTN
Epost: sellburg@live.no

Selger overdrar herved nedenfornevnte tomt til fritidsboligformål til kjøper på følgende vilkår:

Fastighetsbeteckning: 47-402-40-69
Kommune(FINLAND): Enontekiö
Adresse: Kortteli 65/3
Areal: ca.1.070 m2 iflg selger/målebrev
Hjemmelshaver: Kim Jacob Pettersen

Dersom ikke annet er bestemt nedenfor, omfatter overdragelsen kun grunnen med avtalte forpliktelser som følger denne tomten.

Kjøpesum kr 290.000,-kronertohundrenittitusen- + omkostninger

I tillegg til kjøpesummen skal kjøper betale finsk tinglysingsgebyr. Dette gjøres på regning – antatt Euro 111 + finsk merverdiavgift. I tillegg må kjøper – før tinglysning kan gjennomføres – betale overlatelseskatt på 4% av kjøpesum. Denne må det dokumenteres at er betalt før tinglysning kan skje.

Selger har engasjert oppgjørsadvokat, og betaler hans avtalte salær på kr. 12.500,- inkl. mva ved at oppgjørsadvokat trekker sitt salær fra nettooppgjøret.

Kjøpesum inkl. kjøpers omkostninger antas etter dette bli Norske kr. 290.000 + Euro 111 + Norske kr. 11.600(4% til Finsk Stat)_

Barentz Advokat AS v/ advokat Gunnar Kvamme, postboks 1164, 9262 Tromsø, skal forestå gjennomføringen av denne kontrakt. Det innebærer at oppgjørsadvokat utferdiger og tinglyser finsk skjøte, registrerer og sletter nødvendige heftelser, oppretter og tinglyser andre dokumenter som har sammenheng med handelen og gjennomfører det økonomiske oppgjøret.

Kjøpesummen og omkostningene skal innbetales til klientkonto 9484.05.35775, merket sak 12093/GK Dersom hele eller deler av kjøpesummen ikke er innbetalt ved forfall, betales forsinkelsesrente fra forfallsdato.

Eiendommen er heftelsesfri, og skal overtas slik.

Selger garanterer at eiendommen vil bli overdratt fri for andre pengeheftelser enn de som fremgår av denne kontrakt, herunder private og offentlige avgifter og gebyrer. Selger er forpliktet til å gi melding til oppgjørsadvokat dersom det blir avholdt utleggsforretning før overskjøting finner sted.

Oppgjørsadvokat skal besørge utarbeidet skjøtet på eiendommen. Skjøtet skal oppbevares hos oppgjørsadvokat inntil overtakelsesdato. Tinglysing kan først finne sted når kjøper har innbetalt fullt oppgjør, eller når det foreligger garanti for at fullt oppgjør vil finne sted.

Eiendommen overleveres ”som den er” på overtagelsestidspunktet, jf. avhl. § 3-9.

Ved vurderingen av om eiendommen har mangel skal overtakelsestidspunktet legges til grunn.

Selger garanterer intet hva gjelder eiendommens bebyggbarhet i forhold til kjøpers planer.

Eiendommen skal overtas av kjøper den 15. 04.2015.

Eiendommen står fra overtakelsen for kjøpers regning og risiko, og kjøper overtar fra samme tidspunkt eiendommens plikter og rettigheter. Partene setter opp pro - & contra oppgjør som blir avregnet.

Kjøper kan ikke ta eiendommen i bruk før kjøper har oppfylt alle sine forpliktelser etter denne kontrakt. Dersom kjøper ikke kan ta eiendommen i bruk til avtalt tid og årsaken ligger hos kjøper, har selger plikt til å føre forsvarlig tilsyn med eiendommen. Kjøper skal dekke forsvarlige kostnader i forbindelse med tilsynet.

Dersom kjøper misligholder avtalen etter at eiendommen er overskjøtet eller tatt i bruk, kan selger under alle omstendigheter heve avtalen.

Innbetalt kjøpesum tjener som sikkerhet for kjøpers oppfyllelse av denne avtale og innbetalt kjøpesum kan således benyttes til motregning av selgers eventuelle tap dersom kjøper misligholder kontrakten.

Selger skal inntil overlevering er skjedd behandle eiendommen på forsvarlig måte og påse at eiendommen er fullverdiforsikret. Dersom eiendommen blir skadet eller ødelagt før overlevering og forholdet dekkes av forsikringen har selger under alle omstendigheter rett på eventuelle utbetalinger mot at selger utbedrer skaden. Kjøper er forpliktet til å tegne fullverdiforsikring gjeldende fra overtakelsesdato. Selger og kjøper er klar over at fravikelse etter tvangsfullbyrdelseslovens § 13-2, 3 ledd (e) kan finne sted dersom det er åpenbart at saksøkte ikke har rett til å besitte eiendommen.

For ubebygget eiendom gjelder intet forsikringsansvar.


Partene foretar selv pro & contraoppgjør for finsk eiendomsskatt m.v.

Barentz Advokat AS har oppgjørsoppdrag, men har ikke meglet eiendommen. Selskapet har følgelig intet ansvar for innhenting av dokumentasjon knyttet til eiendommen – kjøper og selger hadde sluttet avtale før selskapet ble engasjert til å gjennomføre kontrakts- og oppgjørsoppdraget.

Kopi målebrev datert 22.11.2005
Utkast skjøte


Selger og kjøper vedtar med sine underskrifter alle punkter i denne kontrakt.

Lov om avhending av fast eigedom kommer til anvendelse på forhold som ikke er regulert i denne kontrakt.

Denne kontrakt er utferdiget i 4 likelydende eksemplarer hvorav partene beholder hvert sitt og oppgjørsadvokat 2 eksemplarer.

Tromsø, den___________2015

Selger: Kjøper:

_______________________________ _____________________
Kim Jacob Pettersen Svanhild Ellburg

Tom-Freddy Ellburg

Fra: -
Til: -
Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
PURCHASE CONTRACTLAND TO HOLIDAY HOME PURPOSEFINLAND/KILPISJÂRVISellName: Kim Jacob Fuller Born: 11.12.1973Phone: 95877667 Address: Ropnesvn. 82Zip code/location: 9107 KVALØYAEmail: kim@solbergpettersen.noBUYName: Patricia Ellburg (ideal ½) f. 12.04.1980 Tom Freddy Ellburg (ideal ½) f. 11.02.1971Phone: 91744822 Address: SteinvollanPostal code/location: NORDKJOSBOTN-9040Email: sellburg@live.noSeller hereby confer the count up land to holiday home purposes to the buyer on the following conditions: 1. The PROPERTY Fastighetsbeteckning: 47 am-402-40-69The Municipality Of Enontekiö (FINLAND): RNR/empty:Address: Kortteli 65/3 Area: approximately 1.070 m2 according to sell/measuring lettersOf Holder: Kim Jacob Fuller If not otherwise specified below, includes the transfer only the reason of obligations agreed on this plot. 2. PURCHASE PRICE Purchase price $ 290.000,-kronertohundrenittitusen-+ costs 3. COSTS In addition to the purchase price buyer shall pay the Finnish tinglysings fee. This is done at the expense-assumed Euro + sales tax 1 1 1 Finnish. In addition, the buy-before things can be conducted banns-pay overlatelses cat on 4% of the purchase price. This it must be documented that is paid before things Dodge can happen. Seller has engaged the settlement Attorney, and pays his fee, $ agreed. 12,500,-incl. the sales tax in that the settlement lawyer draws his fees from the net settlement. Purchase price incl. the buyer's costs is believed after this be Norwegian $ 290.000 + Euro 110 + Norwegian kr. 11,600 (4% to the Finnish State) _4. SETTLEMENT Barentz Lawyer AS v/lawyer Gunnar Kvamme, PO box 1164, 9262 Tromsø, to manage the implementation of this contract. It implies that the settlement lawyer're preparing and things are lit, and Finnish sign deed delete necessary liens, create and things other documents that illuminate the context of trade and conducting the economic statement. The purchase price and costs shall be paid to the client account 9484.05.35775, marked case 21,929/GK If all or part of the purchase price is not paid by the due date, interest on arrears will be paid from the due date. 5. LIENS The property is heftelses free, and will be taken over. Seller warrants that the property will be handed over free of any other money liens than those stated in this contract, including private and public fees and charges. The seller is obliged to give notice to the settlement lawyer if it is held utleggs business before overskjøting takes place. 6. PROBATE The settlement lawyer will provide prepared the deed on the property. The deed should be kept at the settlement lawyer until the grant date. Probate can first take place when the purchaser has paid the full settlement, or when there is a guarantee that the full settlement will take place. 7. STATE/Disclaimer The property handed over "as is" on overtagelses the time, cf. avhl. § 3-9. By the assessment of whether the property has lack to be takeover time is added to the reason. The seller guarantees nothing in terms of the property's bebyggbar unit in relation to the buyer's plans. 8. TAKEOVER The property will be taken over by buying the 15. 04.2015. The property stands from the takeover for the buyer's expense and risk, and buyer takes over from the same time the property's duties and rights. The parties set up pro-and contra settlement that is being settled. Buyer may not take the property in use before the buyer has fulfilled all its obligations under this contract. If the buyer cannot take the property in use at the appointed time and the reason lies with the buyer, the seller has the obligation to cause the proper supervision of the property. Buyer shall cover the reasonable costs in connection with the audit. If the buyer defaults on the agreement after the property is overskjøtet or put to use, can sell under all circumstances terminate the agreement. 9. GENERAL PROVISIONS Paid the purchase price serves as security for the buyer's fulfilment of this agreement and paid the purchase price can thus be used for offsetting any loss the seller if the buyer defaults on the contract. Seller shall until the handover happened treat property on the proper manner and ensure that the property is full coverage. If the property is damaged or destroyed before the handover and the relationship covered by insurance have selling under all circumstances the right to any payments against the sell out alterations to the damage. The buyer is obliged to draw the full value insurance current from the grant date. Seller and buyer is aware that the demanding vacation after enforcement of the law § 13-2, 3-paragraph (s) can take place if it is obvious that the defendant does not have the right to possess the property.For undeveloped property applies to no insurance risk. 10. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS The parties make even pro and contraoppgjør for Finnish real estate tax, etc.Barentz Lawyer AS has the assessment mission, but has not brokered property. Accordingly, the company has no responsibility for the collection of the documentation relating to the property-the buyer and seller had made an agreement before the company was engaged to carry out the contract and the assessment mission. 11. VOUCHERSCopy measure letter dated 22.11.2005Draft title deeds 12. CONFIRMATION and SIGNATURE Seller and buyer adopts with their signatures all points in this contract. The law on the disposal of fixed eigedom apply on conditions that are not regulated in this contract. This contract is made out in 4 identical copies of which the parties retain their and the settlement lawyer 2 copies.Tromsø, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2015Selling: Buying:_______________________________ _____________________Kim Jacob Pettersen Patricia Ellburg _____________________ Tom-Freddy EllburgPURCHASE witness: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Som oversettes, vennligst vent...
Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
FINLAND / kilpisjarvi Seller Name: Kim Jacob Pettersen Born: 12.11.1973 Telephone: 95877667 Address: Ropnesvn. 82 / Postcode: 9107 Kvaløy Email: kim@solbergpettersen.no BUYER Name: Svanhild Ellburg (ideally ½) b. 4/12/1980 Tom Freddy Ellburg (ideally ½) b. 02/11/1971 Phone: 91744822 Address: Stein Vollan Zip / - Place: 9040 NORDKJOSBOTN Email: sellburg@live.no Seller shall hereby assign below mentioned land for holiday purposes to purchase the following conditions: 1. PROPERTY Fastighetsbeteckning: 47-402-40-69 Municipality (FINLAND): Enontekiö RNR / plot: Address: 65/3 Kortteli area: ca.1.070 m2 according sell / Certificates Legal Haver: Kim Jacob Pettersen Unless otherwise provided below, includes the transfer Only reason with contractual obligations following this plot. 2. PURCHASE Purchase £ 290.000, -kronertohundrenittitusen- + expenses 3. COSTS In addition to the purchase price, the buyer shall pay the Finnish registration fee. This is done at the expense - estimated Euro 111 + Finnish VAT. In addition, the buyer must - before registration can be completed - drawing up paying tax at 4% of the purchase price. This must be documented that is paid before registration can take place. Seller has engaged settlement lawyer and pay his agreed fee of NOK. 12.500, - incl. VAT at the settlement attorney draws its fees from net settlement. Purchase price incl. buyer's costs are assumed by this being Norwegian kr. 290.000 Euro + 111 + Norwegian kr. 11,600 (4% of Finnish State) _ 4. SETTLEMENT Barentz Attorney AS v / lawyer Gunnar Kvamme, PO Box 1164, 9262 Tromsø, shall be responsible for the implementation of this contract. This means that settlement attorney draws up and stuff glows Finnish deed, registers and deletes necessary liens, create and stuff glows other documents which relate to trade and carry out the financial settlement. The purchase price and the costs shall be paid to a client 9484.05.35775, labeled case 12093 / GK If all or part of the purchase price is not paid by the due date, payable on arrears from the due date. 5. ASSETS property is heftelsesfri, and will be transferred to. Seller warrants that the property will be transferred free of other monetary liens other than those specified in this contract, including private and government taxes and fees. Seller is obliged to notify the settlement attorney if it is held attachment proceedings before the splicing takes place. 6. Probate Settlement Attorney shall provide drafted the deed on the property. The deed must be maintained by the settlement attorney until the Closing Date. Probate can take place only when the buyer has paid the full settlement, or when there is guarantee that full settlement will take place. 7. STATE / DISCLAIMER property delivered "as is" at the time of acquisition, cf. avhl. § 3-9. In assessing whether the property has a shortage should the acquisition date shall be applied. Seller warrants no respect property bebyggbarhet relative to buyer's plans. 8. TAKEOVER property shall be assumed by the buyer on 15. 04.2015. The property is of acquisition the buyer's expense and risk, and the buyer takes on the same date the property rights and obligations. The parties are setting up pro - contra being settled. The buyer can not take the property into use before the buyer has fulfilled all its obligations under this contract. If the buyer can not take the property into use on time and the reason lies with the buyer, the seller has the obligation to keep proper supervision of property. Buyer shall cover reasonable costs associated with the audit. If the buyer defaults on the contract after the property is over the deed or adopted, may sell under any circumstances terminate the agreement. 9. GENERAL PROVISIONS Paid purchase serves as security for the purchaser's compliance with this agreement and paid the purchase price may be used to offset any losses seller if the buyer defaults on the contract. Seller shall, until the handover is done treating the property in a proper manner and ensure that the property is full value insured. If the property is damaged or destroyed before the handover and the relationship covered by insurance salesman in any case entitled to any payments against the seller rectifies the damage. The buyer is obliged to draw full value insurance effective from the acquisition date. Seller and buyer is aware that eviction after Enforcement Act § 13-2, paragraph 3 (e) can take place if it is obvious that the defendants have no right to possess property. For undeveloped property applies no insurance liability. 10. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The Parties undertake even pro et contra for Finnish property tax etc. Barentz Attorney AS settlement mission, but has not brokered property. The company has consequently no responsibility for obtaining evidence relating to the property - buying and selling had stopped request before the company was engaged to undertake the contract and settlement assignment. 11. EXHIBIT A copy Certificates dated 22.11.2005 Draft deed 12. CONFIRMATION AND SIGNATURE Seller and buyer approves their signatures all points in this contract. Law on disposal of real property shall apply to matters not regulated in this contract. This contract is drawn up in 4 identical copies of which each of the parties and settlement attorney 2 copies. Tromso, den___________2015 Seller: Buyer: _______________________________ _____________________ Kim Jacob Pettersen Svanhild Ellburg _____________________ Tom Freddy Ellburg BUY WITNESS: ________________________________

Som oversettes, vennligst vent...
Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]

Name: Kim Jacob Pettersen
Born: 11. 12.1973
Phone: 95877667
Address: Ropnesvn. 82
Zip Code/location: 9107 Kvaløya
e-mail: kim@solbergpettersen.no

Name: Pleasant staff Ellburg(ideal ½) f. 04.12.1980
Tom Robert Ellburg (ideally ½) f 11. 02.1971
Phone: 91744822
Address: Steinvollan
Zip Code/location: 9040 NORDKJOSBOTN
E-Mail: sellburg@live.no

sells edocument only hereby charted on empty to fritidsboligformål to purchase on the following terms:

Fastighetsbeteckning: 47-402 -40-69
Municipality(FINLAND): Enontekiö
Address: Kortteli 65/3
Area: approximately 1,070 m2 according to sell/målebrev
Hjemmelshaver: Kim Jacob Pettersen

If not otherwise specified below,Includes the transaction took place on Tuesday only scratch with agreed obligations under this site.

2. Your Basket
Price nok 290 000, -kronertohundrenittitusen- charge

in addition to the purchase price to buy pay finnish tinglysingsgebyr. This is done on bill - an estimated Euro 111 Finnish vat.In addition must buy - before tinglysning can be carried out - pay overlatelseskatt on 4% of purchase price. This must be documented that is paid before tinglysning can happen.

Sells has engaged oppgjørsadvokat, and pays his agreed salær on nok 12.500,- incl. vat by oppgjørsadvokat pulls his salær from nettooppgjøret.

Price including buying fees is assumed by this be Norwegian nok.290,000 Euros 111 Norwegian £ 11.600 (4% to Finnish Stat)_ can secure 4. SETTLEMENT
Barentz Lawyer AS v/ lawyer Gunnar Nedre Kvamme, P.O. Box 1164, 9262 Tromsø, shall oversee the implementation of this contract. It means that oppgjørsadvokat utferdiger and tinglyser finnish combine, detects and deletes required encumbrance restricting their,Creates and tinglyser other documents that have connection with trade and implementing the financial settlement.

Purchases and expenses to innbetales to klientkonto 9484 05.35775, marked case 12093/GK if the whole or parts of El Paso is not paid by the due date, penalty interest will be paid by due date.

5. ENCUMBRANCE restricting their
property is heftelsesfri, and should be assumed to be.

Seller warrants that the property will be allocated free of other pengeheftelser than those mentioned in this contract, including private and government taxes and fees. Seller is under no obligation to give notice to oppgjørsadvokat if it will be held utleggsforretning before overskjøting takes place.

Oppgjørsadvokat shall provide prepared skjøtet on the property.Skjøtet should be stored at oppgjørsadvokat until closing date. Tinglysing may first take place when buyer has paid full settlement, or when there is no guarantee that full settlement will take place.

Property handed over "as is" on overtagelsestidspunktet, cf. avhl. § 3-9.

By the assessment of whether the property has a lack to (added to reason.

Sells guarantees nothing what applies to property bebyggbarhet in relation to buying plans.

8. Takeover
The Property shall be assumed by buying the 15. 04.2015.

Property stands from the takeover for buying expense and risk, and buying takes over from the same time property's duties and rights.The parties set up pro - & contra settlement that will be accounted for.

Purchase can not take the property in use before buying has met all its obligations after this contract. If buyer does not take property in use at the agreed time and the reason lies with purchase has sell duty to lead properly audit of the property. Buyer shall meet reasonable costs incurred in connection with the audit.

If purchaser breaches this agreement after the property is overskjøtet or taken in use, can sell under all circumstances raise agreement.

Paid price serves as security for buying compliance with this agreement and paid your basket can thus be used for netting of the seller's any loss if buyer breaches the contract.

Seller shall until delivery is done processing the property properly and make sure that the property has been insured for its full value. If the property is damaged or broken before delivery and the relationship is covered by the insurance have sell under all circumstances right on any payments toward that sells rectify the damage.Purchaser is obliged to draw fullverdiforsikring current of the closing date. Sell and buy is aware of that departure from after tvangsfullbyrdelseslovens § 13-2, 3 joints (e) can take place if it is obvious that saksøkte does not have the right to maxing it out at the property.

For ubebygget possession applies no customer hereby declares that he holds.


The parties make even pro & contraoppgjør for Finnish property taxes M. v.

Barentz Lawyer AS has oppgjørsoppdrag, but have not mediated the property. The company has therefore no responsibility for collection of documentation related to the property - buy and sell had ended an agreement before the company was engaged to carry out contractual and oppgjørsoppdraget.

11. Voucher
Copy målebrev dated 22. 11.2005
Draft combine


sell and buy adopt with their signatures all points in this contract.

Law on disposal of fixed eigedom comes to usage on conditions that are not regulated in this contract.

This contract is written in 4 identical copies of which the parties retain their own and oppgjørsadvokat 2 copies.

Tromsø, den___________2015


is situated at _____________________ _______________________________
Kim Jacob Pettersen Pleasant staff Ellburg

is situated at _____________________
Tom-Freddy Ellburg

Som oversettes, vennligst vent...
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