PURCHASE CONTRACTLAND TO HOLIDAY HOME PURPOSEFINLAND/KILPISJÂRVISellName: Kim Jacob Fuller Born: 11.12.1973Phone: 95877667 Address: Ropnesvn. 82Zip code/location: 9107 KVALØYAEmail: kim@solbergpettersen.noBUYName: Patricia Ellburg (ideal ½) f. 12.04.1980 Tom Freddy Ellburg (ideal ½) f. 11.02.1971Phone: 91744822 Address: SteinvollanPostal code/location: NORDKJOSBOTN-9040Email: sellburg@live.noSeller hereby confer the count up land to holiday home purposes to the buyer on the following conditions: 1. The PROPERTY Fastighetsbeteckning: 47 am-402-40-69The Municipality Of Enontekiö (FINLAND): RNR/empty:Address: Kortteli 65/3 Area: approximately 1.070 m2 according to sell/measuring lettersOf Holder: Kim Jacob Fuller If not otherwise specified below, includes the transfer only the reason of obligations agreed on this plot. 2. PURCHASE PRICE Purchase price $ 290.000,-kronertohundrenittitusen-+ costs 3. COSTS In addition to the purchase price buyer shall pay the Finnish tinglysings fee. This is done at the expense-assumed Euro + sales tax 1 1 1 Finnish. In addition, the buy-before things can be conducted banns-pay overlatelses cat on 4% of the purchase price. This it must be documented that is paid before things Dodge can happen. Seller has engaged the settlement Attorney, and pays his fee, $ agreed. 12,500,-incl. the sales tax in that the settlement lawyer draws his fees from the net settlement. Purchase price incl. the buyer's costs is believed after this be Norwegian $ 290.000 + Euro 110 + Norwegian kr. 11,600 (4% to the Finnish State) _4. SETTLEMENT Barentz Lawyer AS v/lawyer Gunnar Kvamme, PO box 1164, 9262 Tromsø, to manage the implementation of this contract. It implies that the settlement lawyer're preparing and things are lit, and Finnish sign deed delete necessary liens, create and things other documents that illuminate the context of trade and conducting the economic statement. The purchase price and costs shall be paid to the client account 9484.05.35775, marked case 21,929/GK If all or part of the purchase price is not paid by the due date, interest on arrears will be paid from the due date. 5. LIENS The property is heftelses free, and will be taken over. Seller warrants that the property will be handed over free of any other money liens than those stated in this contract, including private and public fees and charges. The seller is obliged to give notice to the settlement lawyer if it is held utleggs business before overskjøting takes place. 6. PROBATE The settlement lawyer will provide prepared the deed on the property. The deed should be kept at the settlement lawyer until the grant date. Probate can first take place when the purchaser has paid the full settlement, or when there is a guarantee that the full settlement will take place. 7. STATE/Disclaimer The property handed over "as is" on overtagelses the time, cf. avhl. § 3-9. By the assessment of whether the property has lack to be takeover time is added to the reason. The seller guarantees nothing in terms of the property's bebyggbar unit in relation to the buyer's plans. 8. TAKEOVER The property will be taken over by buying the 15. 04.2015. The property stands from the takeover for the buyer's expense and risk, and buyer takes over from the same time the property's duties and rights. The parties set up pro-and contra settlement that is being settled. Buyer may not take the property in use before the buyer has fulfilled all its obligations under this contract. If the buyer cannot take the property in use at the appointed time and the reason lies with the buyer, the seller has the obligation to cause the proper supervision of the property. Buyer shall cover the reasonable costs in connection with the audit. If the buyer defaults on the agreement after the property is overskjøtet or put to use, can sell under all circumstances terminate the agreement. 9. GENERAL PROVISIONS Paid the purchase price serves as security for the buyer's fulfilment of this agreement and paid the purchase price can thus be used for offsetting any loss the seller if the buyer defaults on the contract. Seller shall until the handover happened treat property on the proper manner and ensure that the property is full coverage. If the property is damaged or destroyed before the handover and the relationship covered by insurance have selling under all circumstances the right to any payments against the sell out alterations to the damage. The buyer is obliged to draw the full value insurance current from the grant date. Seller and buyer is aware that the demanding vacation after enforcement of the law § 13-2, 3-paragraph (s) can take place if it is obvious that the defendant does not have the right to possess the property.For undeveloped property applies to no insurance risk. 10. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS The parties make even pro and contraoppgjør for Finnish real estate tax, etc.Barentz Lawyer AS has the assessment mission, but has not brokered property. Accordingly, the company has no responsibility for the collection of the documentation relating to the property-the buyer and seller had made an agreement before the company was engaged to carry out the contract and the assessment mission. 11. VOUCHERSCopy measure letter dated 22.11.2005Draft title deeds 12. CONFIRMATION and SIGNATURE Seller and buyer adopts with their signatures all points in this contract. The law on the disposal of fixed eigedom apply on conditions that are not regulated in this contract. This contract is made out in 4 identical copies of which the parties retain their and the settlement lawyer 2 copies.Tromsø, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2015Selling: Buying:_______________________________ _____________________Kim Jacob Pettersen Patricia Ellburg _____________________ Tom-Freddy EllburgPURCHASE witness: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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