Lasting operation
There are terms that the business is driven lasting. It is in the connection enough that it, out from your organization's purpose, is considered likely that your organization operates actively in at least 3 years in the future. Obviously short-term operation falls so outside provision.
The condition is not met. We show that it is not presented an accurate description of your organization's art,Documentation on the financial foundation for the operation, in the form of finance and budget plans.
Form of Business Organization
provision in utlendingsforskriften § 6-18applies to independent businesses. There is no requirement for a specific form of business organization, but another nation should have a central, independent and leading role in the operation, cf.Labor - and inkluderingsdepartementets newsletters about ikrafttredelse of new utlendingslov and new utlendingsforskrift from 1 January 2010 (A-2009-063). If your business is established as aksesjeleskap, and another nation in addition to being actions should also actively participate in the operation, should your application be considered in relation to utlendingsforskriften 6-1 first joints.The same applies if another nation should drive/participate in the operation of a norskregistrert foreign enterprise (NUF). In all other cases, there will be alterations on a concrete individual assessment of the respective form of business, and applicant's participation in the operation, is in accordance with bestemmelsens purposes.
Law does not regulate how extensive utlendingens work/activity will be,But it follows the fixed responsible management practices that it also for stand-alone businesses should be at the level that corresponds to a heltidsstilling for employees. When it's a enkeltpersonforetak it is assumed that this condition is met. For lower aktivitetsgrad than full time must be considered individually about the condition of active participation is still met.
The condition is not met.It appears that it is not presented an accurate description of your organization's art, documentation on the financial foundation for the operation in the form of finance and budget plans.
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