Environment pollution in the world is not good.Forurensning er alt som oversettelse - Environment pollution in the world is not good.Forurensning er alt som engelsk hvordan å si

Environment pollution in the world

Environment pollution in the world is not good.Forurensning er alt som gjør et miljø usunt. Anvendelsen av begrepet vil variere med hva som menes med miljø og hvordan man vurderer hva som er usunt.

I det fysiske miljøet utgjør forurensning en forringelse av miljøkvalitet som et resultat av skadelige stoffer eller annen påvirkning.

Forurensning kan være utslipp av skadestoffer fra naturlige og menneskeskapte prosesser. Stoffene slippes ut i miljøet og bringes blant annet videre i næringskjeden ved opptak av mat. De synlige og estimerte skadevirkningene på menneske og miljø danner grunnlaget for bestemmelsen av grenseverdier for tiltak.

I balansegangen mellom antatt skade i resipienten og andre samfunnsbehov blir det gitt konsesjon som setter grenser for hva som er tillatte utslipp fra spesifikke prosesser. I Norge er det utformet et omfattende regelverk under Forurensningsloven.[1] Det er Miljødirektoratet som er forvalter av forurensningsloven, og håndhever denne i Norge. EØS-avtalen stiller også konkrete tiltakskrav gjennom miljøkvalitetskriterier.

Forurensning foregår enten ved utslipp fra kontinuerlige prosesser eller ved store enkelt-utslipp i forbindelse med katastrofer (akuttutslipp). Utslippene forurenser luft, ferskvann og hav, jordsmonn, vegetasjon og dyr (biota).

Størst bidrag til luftforurensning kommer fra:[2]

Mengden av vannforurensning måles ved slaminnhold, bakterieinnhold og tungmetaller.
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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
Environment pollution in the world is not good. Pollution is everything that makes an environment not good for you. The application of the term will vary with what is meant by the environment and how to evaluate what is unhealthy.In the physical environment constitute pollution a deterioration of environmental quality as a result of harmful substances or other impact.Pollution may be the emission of damaging substances from natural and man-made processes. The substances released into the environment and are brought among other things further in the food chain by the recording of food. The visible and estimated damage effects on the human and the environment forms the basis for the provision of the limit values for the action.In the balancing act between the assumed damage in resipienten and other social needs are the given concession that puts limits on what's allowable emissions from specific processes. In Norway it is designed a comprehensive set of rules under the pollution control Act. [1] it is the environment agency which is the Manager of pollution control law, and enforces this in Norway. The EEA agreement also sets specific action requirements through the environmental quality criteria.Pollution takes place either by emissions from continuous processes or by large single-discharge in connection with disasters (acute emissions). Emissions pollute the air, fresh water and oceans, soils, vegetation and animals (biota).The greatest contribution to air pollution comes from: [2]Road transportIndustryHeatingThe amount of water pollution is measured by slaminnhold, bacterial content and heavy metals.
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
Environment pollution in the world is not good.Forurensning is everything that makes an environment unhealthy. The application of the concept would vary with what is meant by environment and how to assess what is unhealthy. In the physical environment constitutes pollution deterioration of environmental quality as a result of hazardous substances or other influences. Contamination can be pollutant from natural and anthropogenic processes. The substances released into the environment and brought among other things on the food chain by absorbing food. The visible and the estimated adverse effects on humans and the environment is the basis for the determination of thresholds for action. In balancing the estimated damage in the recipient and other social needs are given a license that limits what is allowable emissions from specific processes. In Norway, it designed a comprehensive regulatory system under the Pollution Control Act. [1] It's Environment Directorate which manages the Pollution Control Act, and enforces this in Norway. The EEA Agreement also sets specific measures claims of environmental quality criteria. Contamination occurs either by emissions from continuous processes or large individual emissions associated with disasters (emergency release). Emissions pollute air, fresh water and oceans, soils, vegetation and animals (biota). The greatest contribution to air pollution comes from: [2] Road Transport Industry Heating The amount of water pollution is measured by sludge content, bacterial content and heavy metals.

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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
Environment pollution in the world is not good.Contamination is everything that makes an environment unhealthy. Application of the concept will vary with what is meant by environment and how to assess what is unhealthy.

in the physical environment is pollution a deterioration of environmental quality as a result of harmful substances, or other influences.

Pollution can be emissions of harmful chemicals from natural and man-made processes. Substances released in the environment and brought among other things further in the food chain by recording of food. The visible and estimated detrimental effects on man and the environment forms the basis for provision of threshold values for action.

THE sweet spot between the estimated damage in resipienten and other samfunnsbehov will be given a concession that sets the limits for what is allowable emissions from specific processes. In Norway, it is designed a comprehensive regulations under Pollution. [ 1] it is Miljødirektoratet who is manager of pollution, and enforce this in Norway.EEA agreement sets also concrete tiltakskrav through miljøkvalitetskriterier.

Contamination takes place either by emissions from continuous processes or by large single-emissions in the context of disasters (were discharged as acute discharges). Emissions pollute air, fresh water and sea, soil, vegetation and animals (biota) .

greatest contribution to air pollution comes from: [ 2]

Road Transport
The amount of ground water contamination is measured by slaminnhold, bakterieinnhold and heavy metals.
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