Permanent operationThere are criteria that the business is run lasting. It is in that regard that there is adequate, out from the business purposes, it is considered likely that the business operated actively in the mist 3 years ahead. Obviously short-lived operations fall outside the saledes provision.The condition is not met. We show that it is not lodged an exact description of the nature of business, documentation on the economic basis of the operation, in the form of funding and budget plans.CompanyThe provision in the immigration section 6-18 apply to the self-employed. It is not a claim for a concrete company, but the foreign national should have a central, independent and leading role in the operation. CF. Work-and include the Ministry's circular about the entry into force of the new immigration law and new immigration regulations from 1. January 2010 (A-2009-063). If your business is established as aksesjeleskap, and the foreign national in addition to being actions should also be actively participate in the operation, the application should be considered in relation to the immigration 6-1 the first paragraph. The same is true if the foreign national to drive/participate in the operation of a Nufenen (NUF). In all other cases it will depend on a concrete individual assessment of the respective company form, and the applicant's participation in the operation, in accordance with the purposes.The law regulates how extensive foreign national work/activity should be, but it follows from the fixed management practice that it is also for the self-employed should be at the level that corresponds to a full-time position for employees. In the case of a sole proprietorship is added to reason that this criterion is met. For lower activity level than full time, it must be considered individually about the condition of active participation still are true.The condition is not met. It will be shown that it is not lodged an exact description of the nature of business, documentation on the economic basis of the operation in the form of funding and budget plans.
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