Forskjeller i AsiaAsias økonomi preges av store kontraster. Det er sto oversettelse - Forskjeller i AsiaAsias økonomi preges av store kontraster. Det er sto engelsk hvordan å si

Forskjeller i AsiaAsias økonomi pre

Forskjeller i Asia
Asias økonomi preges av store kontraster. Det er stor forskjell mellom de rikeste landene, som Singapore og Japan, og de fattigste landene som Nepal og Bangladesh. Andre land som Kina og India har områder med høy utvikling, men det er også områder med stor fattigdom i disse landene.
I denne oppgaven skal jeg sammenligne økonomi, helse og utdanning i Singapore og Nepal, to ytterpunkter når det kommer til rike og fattige land i Asia.
Den økonomiske utviklingen til Singapore har vært stor siden 1960-tallet. Nå er Singapore et av de rikeste landene i Asia. Det som er spesielt med Singapore sin økonomiske vekst er at den ikke skyldes at de var heldige og fant masse olje eller en annen naturressurs som de kan tjene mye penger på. Singapore har bygget opp økonomien sin ved hjelp av skapning av arbeidsplasser, utvikling av mer teknologisk avansert industri og utvikling av handel, finans, turisme og samferdsel. I dag tjener Singapore mest penger på industri, turisme og eksport. Jordbruk, som er veldig viktig for økonomien i flere asiatiske land (for eksempel Nepal) utgjør en helt ubetydelig del av Singapores økonomi. BNP per innbygger i Singapore er nå 82 763,36, som er like høyt som i mange andre høyt utviklede industriland.
Økonomien i Nepal er mye dårligere enn i Singapore. Nepal er et av verdens fattigste land, og hele 25% av landets befolkning lever under fattigdomsgrensen. Nepal er et av verdens minst industrialiserte land, og mesteparten av økonomien består av jordbruk. Den lille mengden industri som foregår i Nepal henger sammen med jordbruk, nemlig fordeling av produkter som linser, jute, sukkerrør, tobakk og korn. Til tross for at Nepals økonomiske situasjon i dag er ekstremt dårlig, virker det ikke som disse problemene er helt uløselig, Nepal antas nemlig å ha verdens største uutnyttede vannkraftressurser. Bare 1% av den potensielle vannkraften er utnyttet, og kun 15% av Nepals befolkning har tilgang til strøm. Grunnen til at få vil investere innenfor dette området er politisk uenighet og dårlige infrastrukturforhold. Mange turismer besøker landet hvert år, og cirka 750 000 nepalere jobber innenfor turistsektoren, men dette gjør ikke landet veldig mye rikere. BNP i Nepal i dag er 2 370, 05, cirka 80 000 mindre enn Singapore.
Helsen i Singapore er generelt bedre enn i Nepal. Singapore har en svært lav barnedødelighet, kun 3 av 1000 barn dør før de fyller fem i Singapore, mens i Nepal er dette tallet 40 av 1000. Så å si ingen sulter i Singapore. I Nepal er cirka 8% av befolkningen underernært. I Singapore har alle tilgang til rent vann, men det har de også i Nepal på grunn av den gunstige beliggenheten høyt oppe i fjellene. 9,2 av 10 innbyggere har rent vann i Nepal. Forventet levealder i Singapore er mye høyere enn i Nepal. I Singapore er den cirka 82 år, og i Nepal cirka 68 år. Helse og økonomi henger veldig sterkt sammen, dette merkes i Nepal og Singapore. Nepal har færre leger, færre sykehus, mindre medisiner og derfor høyere spedbarnsdødelighet og lavere forventet levealder enn i Singapore som har god tilgang på alle disse tingene. En annen faktor til den lave levealderen i Nepal er at de fleste lever et tøffere liv enn de i Singapore.
I Singapore kan nesten alle over 15 år lese og skrive (96,5%). I Nepal derimot er dette tallet kun 59,6%. Skolegangen i Singapore er ganske sammenlignbar med den norske, med 11-årig obligatorisk skolegang. Det finnes to universiteter i Singapore og mange høyskoler. I Nepal er det kun 5 år obligatorisk skolegang, men en tredel av barna fullfører ikke barneskolen. En av grunnene til den korte skolegangen er at det er få arbeidsplasser i Nepal som krever en høy utdanning og de fleste driver med jordbruk, mens Singapore har lengre skolegang og bedre muligheter for høyere utdanning fordi det er mange mulige stillinger innenfor forskjellige typer arbeid.

Som jeg har vist i teksten er forskjellene mellom et av de rikeste og et av de fattigste landene i Asia store på alle måter. Singapore ligger foran Nepal på nesten alle områder, og dette skyldes den ekstremt gode økonomiske utviklingen i Singapore. Med god økonomi følger bedre levekår, helse og utdanning. Dette betyr allikevel ikke at alt med rikdom er positivt, en negativ konsekvens av økt velstandsutvikling er økt forurensning. Singapore har et mye større økologisk fotavtrykk enn Nepal. Hvis alle mennesker på jorda skulle hatt samme forbruk som en gjennomsnittlig innbygger i Singapore ville vi trengt hele 3,3 jordkloder for en bærekraftig utvikling, mens hvis alle skulle levd som en gjennomsnittlig Nepaler hadde vi bare trengt en halv jordklode.
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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
Differences in AsiaAsia's economy is characterised by great contrasts. There is a big difference between the richest countries, as Singapore and Japan, and the poorest countries such as Nepal and Bangladesh. Other countries such as China and India have areas with high development, but there are also areas of great poverty in these countries. In this task, I'll compare the economy, health and education in Singapore and Nepal, two extremes when it comes to the rich and poor countries in Asia. EconomyThe economic development of Singapore has been great since the 1960s. Now Singapore one of the richest countries in Asia. What is special about Singapore's economic growth is that it is not due to the fact that they were lucky and found lots of oil or another natural resource that they can make a lot of money on. Singapore has built up its economy with the help of the creation of jobs, the development of more technologically advanced industry and the development of trade, finance, tourism and transport. Today Singapore the most money in industry, tourism and exports. Agriculture, which is very important for the economy in several Asian countries (for example, Nepal) represents a completely insignificant part of Singapore's economy. Per capita GDP in Singapore is now 82 763.36, which are as high as in many other highly developed industrial countries. The economy of Nepal is much worse than in Singapore. Nepal is one of the world's poorest countries, and the entire 25% of the country's population live below the poverty line. Nepal is one of the world's least developed countries, and most of the economy is made up of agriculture. The small amount of industry that takes place in Nepal with agriculture, namely, distribution of products such as lenses, jute, sugar cane, tobacco, and grain. Despite the fact that Nepal's economic situation today is extremely poor, it seems not that these issues are completely insoluble, Nepal is believed to have the world's largest untapped hydropower resources. Only 1% of the potential water power is exploited, and only 15% of Nepal's population has access to electricity. The reason that few want to invest in this range is the political controversy and poor infrastructure conditions. Many turismer visit the country each year, and about 750 000 Nepalese architects jobs within the tourist sector, but this does not make the country very much richer. GDP in Nepal today is 2, 370 05, approximately 80 000 less than Singapore.HealthHealth in Singapore are generally better than in Nepal. Singapore has a very low child mortality, only 3 of 1000 children die before the age of five in Singapore, while in Nepal, this is the number 40 of 1000. So to say no starving in Singapore. In Nepal is approximately 8% of the population undernourished. In Singapore all have access to clean water, but it has also in Nepal because of the convenient location high up in the mountains. 9.2 of 10 residents have clean water in Nepal. Life expectancy in Singapore is much higher than in Nepal. In Singapore is the approximately 82 years, and in Nepal about 68 years. Health and economy hangs very strongly together, this will be marked in Nepal and Singapore. Nepal has fewer doctors, fewer hospitals, less medication and, therefore, higher infant mortality and lower life expectancy than in Singapore which has good access on all these things. Another factor for the low life expectancy in Nepal is that most people live a tougher life than those in Singapore. EducationIn Singapore can almost all over 15 years to read and write (96.5%). In Nepal, however, this figure is only 59,6%. School time in Singapore is quite comparable with the Norwegian, with 11-year compulsory education. There are two universities in Singapore and many colleges. In Nepal, there are only 5 years compulsory education, but one-third of the children does not complete elementary school. One of the reasons the short school time is that there are few jobs in Nepal that requires a high education and most driver with agriculture, while Singapore has longer schooling and better opportunities for higher education because there are many possible positions within the different types of work.As I have shown in the text are the differences between one of the richest and one of the poorest countries in Asia major in every way. Singapore is ahead of Nepal on almost all areas, and this is due to the extremely good economic developments in Singapore. With good economy follows better living conditions, health and education. This means that everything does with wealth is positive, a negative consequence of increased prosperity development is the increased pollution. Singapore has a much larger ecological footprint than Nepal. If all the people on earth should have the same consumption as an average resident of Singapore we would have needed a whole earths 3.3 sustainable development, while if everyone would lived as an average Nepaler we had only taken half a globe.
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
Differences in Asia
Asia's economy is characterized by large contrasts. There is a big difference between the richest countries, such as Singapore and Japan, and the poorest countries as Nepal and Bangladesh. Other countries like China and India have areas of high development, but there are also areas of great poverty in these countries.
In this paper I will compare the economy, health and education in Singapore and Nepal, two extremes when it comes to rich and poor countries in Asia.
The economy of Singapore has been great since the 1960s. Now Singapore one of the richest countries in Asia. What is special about Singapore's economic growth is that it does not is because they were lucky and found lots of oil or other natural resources as one they can earn much money. Singapore has built up its economy by means of creation of jobs, development of more technologically advanced industries and the development of commerce, finance, tourism and transport. Today serves Singapore most money on manufacturing, tourism and exports. Agriculture, which is very important for the economy of several Asian countries (eg Nepal) constitutes an insignificant part of Singapore's economy. GDP per capita in Singapore is now 82 763.36, which is as high as in many other highly developed industrial countries.
The economy of Nepal is much worse than in Singapore. Nepal is one of the poorest countries, and all 25% of the country's population lives below the poverty line. Nepal is one of the world's least developed countries, and most of the economy consists of agriculture. The small amount of industry that takes place in Nepal is related to agriculture, namely the distribution of products such as lenses, jute, sugarcane, tobacco and grains. Despite Nepal's economic situation today is extremely poor, it does not seem that these problems are completely insoluble, Nepal believed namely having the world's largest untapped hydropower resources. Only 1% of the potential water power is utilized, and only 15% of Nepal's population has access to electricity. The reason that few will invest in this area is political disagreement and poor infrastructure conditions. Many tourism visiting the country each year, and approximately 750,000 Nepalese people working within the tourism sector, but this does not make the country very much richer. GDP in Nepal today is 2370, 05, about 80,000 less than Singapore.
Helsen in Singapore are generally better than in Nepal. Singapore has a very low infant mortality, only 3 of 1,000 children die before their fifth birthday in Singapore, while in Nepal, this figure is 40 in 1000. Virtually no one starves in Singapore. In Nepal, approximately 8% of the population undernourished. In Singapore all have access to clean water, but they also have in Nepal because of its convenient location high in the mountains. 9.2 out of 10 residents have clean water in Nepal. Life expectancy in Singapore is much higher than in Nepal. In Singapore, the approximately 82 years, and in Nepal about 68 years. Health and economy hangs very strongly together, this felt in Nepal and Singapore. Nepal has fewer doctors, fewer hospitals, fewer drugs and therefore higher infant mortality and lower life expectancy than in Singapore that has good access to all these things. Another factor for the low life expectancy in Nepal is that most live a tougher life than those in Singapore.
In Singapore, almost all over 15 years reading and writing (96.5%). In Nepal, however, this figure is only 59.6%. Schooling in Singapore is quite comparable with the Norwegian, with 11 years of compulsory schooling. There are two universities in Singapore and many colleges. In Nepal there are only five years of compulsory schooling, but a third of children do not complete primary school. One of the reasons the short schooling is that there are few jobs in Nepal which requires a high level of education and most of these are rural, while Singapore has extended education and better opportunities for higher education because there are many possible positions within the different types of work. As I have shown in the text are the differences between one of the richest and one of the poorest countries in Asia big in every way. Singapore lies ahead Nepal in almost all areas, and this is due to the extremely positive economic development in Singapore. With good economy is improving living conditions, health and education. This does not mean that all the wealth is positive, one negative consequence of increased prosperity are increased pollution. Singapore has a much larger ecological footprint than Nepal. If all people on earth would have had the same consumption as an average citizen of Singapore would we penetrated the entire 3.3 Earths for sustainable development, while if everyone lived like an average Nepal had only penetrated a half globe.

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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
Differences in Asia
Asia economy are characterised by large contrasts. There is a major difference between the richest countries, as Singapore and Japan and the poorest countries as Nepal and Bangladesh. Other countries such as China and India have areas with high development, but there are also areas with large poverty in these countries.
in this task should I compare economy, healthcare and education in Singapore and Nepal,Two presenters when it comes to the rich and poor countries in Asia.
economic developments to Singapore has been great since the 1960s. Now Singapore is one of the richest countries in Asia. It is especially with Singapore its economic growth is that it is not caused by the fact that they were lucky and found lots of oil or other natural resources that they can earn a lot of money on.Singapore has built up its economy by using the creature of the work place, the development of more technologically advanced industrial and the development of the trade, financial, tourism and transport. In the day servant Singapore most money on industrial, tourism and export. Agriculture, which is very important for the economy in several Asian countries (for example Nepal) constitutes a completely insignificant part of the Singapore economy.Gdp per capita in Singapore is now 82 763,36, which is as high as in many other highly developed industrial countries.
Economy in Nepal is much worse than in Singapore. Nepal is one of the world s poorest countries and the entire 25% of the population live under the poverty limit. Nepal is one of the least industrialized countries, and most of the economy consists of agriculture.The small amount of industry that takes place in Nepal hangs together with agriculture, namely the distribution of products that lenses, jute, sugar cane, tobacco and grain. Despite the fact that Nepal's financial situation today is extremely poor, it seems that these issues are completely inextricable from Nepal, namely is assumed to have the largest untapped water power resources. Only 1% of the potential water power is being exploitedAnd only 15% of Nepal's population have access to power. The reason that few will invest in this area is a political controversy and bad infrastructure conditions. Many turismer visiting the country every year and approximately 750,000 nepalere jobs within the tourist sector, but this not the country very much richer. Gdp in Nepal today is 2 370, 05, approximately 80,000 less than the Singapore.
Health in Singapore is generally better than in Nepal. Singapore has a very low child mortality rates, only 3 of the 1000 child die before they fill five in Singapore, while in Nepal is this figure 40 of 1000. Virtually no starving in Singapore. In Nepal is approximately 8% of the population were malnourished. In Singapore all have access to clean water,But they have also in Nepal because of the favorable location high in the mountains. 9.2 out of 10 people has clean water in Nepal. Life expectancy in Singapore is much higher than in Nepal. In Singapore is the approximately 82 years, and in Nepal approximately 68 years. Health and economy hangs very strongly together, this is marked in Nepal and Singapore. Nepal has fewer physicians, fewer hospitals,Less medicines and therefore higher infant mortality and lower life expectancy than in Singapore which has good access to all of these things. Another factor to the low life expectancy in Nepal is that most live a tougher life than those in Singapore.
IN Singapore can almost all over 15 years read and write (96,5%). In Nepal however is this number only 59,6%.School in Singapore is quite comparable with the Norwegian, with 11-year mandatory schooling. There are two universities in Singapore and many colleges. In Nepal it is only 5 years mandatory schooling, but a third of the children will not complete primary school.One of the reasons for the short school is that there are few work place in Nepal requiring a high education and most driver with agriculture, while Singapore has a longer schooling and better opportunities for higher education because there are many possible positions within the different types of work.

As I have shown in the text are the differences between one of the richest and one of the poorest countries in Asia store on all the ways. Singapore is located in front of the Nepal on almost all areas, and this is due to the extremely good economic development in Singapore. With good economy is better living conditions, healthcare and education. This means not yet that everything with wealth is positive,A negative consequence of increased prosperity is increased pollution. Singapore has a much larger ecological footprint than Nepal. If all the people on earth should have the same consumption as an average inhabitant in Singapore would we penetrated the entire 3.3 jordkloder for a sustainable development, while if all should lived as an average Nepaler we only had penetrated half a globe.
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