Levealder i fattige og rike landJeg skal skrive om levealderen i rike  oversettelse - Levealder i fattige og rike landJeg skal skrive om levealderen i rike  engelsk hvordan å si

Levealder i fattige og rike landJeg

Levealder i fattige og rike land

Jeg skal skrive om levealderen i rike og fattige land og gå innpå hva som skyldes den høye eller lave levealderen.
Undertema: Helse, levekår, levealder i Norge

Forskjellen mellom levealderen i fattige og rike land er enorme. Det landet i verden med høyest levealder er Kina, som ligger på 84,35. Landet med minst er Swaziland, som ligger på 48,68. Hvorfor er forskjellene så store?
Levealderen stiger og stiger for vært år, noe som er veldig bra. Dette skyldes at vi kan mer om medisiner og hvordan vi skal leve. På ti år har levealderen i Swaziland steget fra ca 33 år til ca 48 år. Men levealderen er fortsatt skremmende lav i mange land. Mest av grunnen til at levealderen stiger er at i de fattige landene er det færre som dør før de fyller fem år. Dette er fordi det er mye bedre fødevilkår og lettere å oppdra barn, til og med i de fattige landene. Uansett hvor du befinner deg i verden lever du lengre hvis du er kvinne.
Som jeg skrev har levealderen steget grunnet mer viten om medisiner, men i de fattige landene er fortsatt mye av grunnen til lav levealder lite kunnskap om medisin og helbreding av sykdommer. Sykdommene som rammer hardest er aids og hiv. Aids og hiv er mest utbredt i Afrika. I den sentralafrikanske republikk er ca 17 tusen barn og ca 110 tusen voksne smittet av hiv. Det dør og mange av enkle sykdommer så vi ikke anser som farlig i det heletatt. En annen stor grunn er kostholdet, i de fattige landene spiser de lite og mye det samme. Det fører til mange dødsfall, dette er jo noe som er vanskelig å gjøre noe med, men det er ikke umulig!
Hvis vi ser på Japan, som er det landet med høyest levealder, ser vi en helt annerledes måte å leve på enn for eksempel land i Afrika. Dette er jo selvfølgelig siden Japan er et rikt land. Det meste av grunnen til den høye levealderen er kostholdet de har. De spiser mat som er sunt og bra for kroppen, de spiser og mye fisk, lite sukker og lite kjøtt. Dette fører til lite overvekt og livsstilsykdommer, så alle har virkelig noe å lære av Japan.

Det er enorme forskjeller på medisiner og sykehus mellom rike og fattige land. Her i Norge får vi gratis sykehus, noe som gjør at de fleste sykdommer kan bli behandlet. I andre land koster det gjerne penger for sykehus, men hvis du har råd får du den behandlingen du trenger. I fattige land er det nesten ingen sykehus og nesten ikke tilgang eller viten om medisiner. De få sykehusene som finnes er gjerne veldig dyre og det er ikke ofte de som jobber der egentlig vet hva de driver med.

I for eksempel Norge lever neste alle med tak over hodet og vi får i oss den maten vi trenger. Mens i for eksempel i land i Afrika lever mange på gaten eller i hus som enten er altfor trang eller som ligner mer på skur. Barnearbeid og barnesoldater er ikke unormalt i fattige land. Mange sulter i hjel eller dør på andre måter på grunn av de dårlige levekårene.

Levealder i Norge

For 40 år siden lå Norge på andreplass for forventet levealder, men den dag i dag ligger mange land foran oss, men vi har fortsatt en veldig høy levealder. –Vi har noe å strekke oss etter. Selv om vi har det veldig godt i Norge, skal vi ikke ta god helse og helsetjeneste som en selvfølge, sier helsedirektør Bjørn Guldvog.
Bjørn Guldvog mener også at hvis nordmenn kutter ned på røyking vil levealderen stige. (funnet i en artikkel om levealder på nrk.no)

Som vi ser er det store forskjeller mellom levealderen, men den stiger og stiger. Det vil jo si at vi må fortsette slik vi gjør det nå, men det er fortsatt ting vi kan bli bedre på som vil føre til større økning. Det viktigste er å få opp levealderen i de landene som ligger helt nede på skalaen. For å få det til må vi hjelpe så mye vi kan med både medisiner, sykehus og mye mer.


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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
Life expectancy in poor and rich countriesI'm going to write about the life expectancy in rich and poor countries and go close to what is due to the high or low life expectancy.Subtopic: health, living conditions, life expectancy in NorwayThe difference between the life expectancy in poor and rich countries is huge. What country in the world with the highest life expectancy is China, which is located at 84.35. The country with the least is Swaziland, located at 48.68. Why is the difference so big?Life expectancy rises and rises for the been years, something that is very good. This is because we can more about medications and how we should live. At ten years, life expectancy in Swaziland has risen from about 33 years to about 48 years. But life expectancy is still scary low in many countries. Most of the reason that life expectancy is rising is that in the poor countries there are fewer who die before the age of five years. This is because there is much better food terms and easier to raise children, even in the poor countries. No matter where you are in the world you live longer if you're a woman.HealthAs I wrote the life expectancy has risen due to more knowledge about medications, but in the poor countries is still a lot of ground to the low life expectancy little knowledge of medicine and helbreding of diseases. Diseases that affects the hardest is aids and hiv. AIDS and hiv is most prevalent in Africa. In the Central African Republic is about 17 thousand children and about 110 thousand adults infected by hiv. It dies and many of the simple diseases so we do not consider to be dangerous at all. Another big reason is the diet, in the poor countries they eat little and much the same. It leads to many deaths, this is something that is difficult to do anything about, but it's not impossible!If we look at Japan, which is the country with the highest life expectancy, we see a totally different way of life than, say, countries in Africa. This is, of course, since Japan is a rich country. Most of the reason for the high life expectancy is the diet they have. They eat food that is healthy and good for the body, they eat and a lot of fish, little sugar and little meat. This leads to a little over weight and lifestyle diseases, so everyone has really something to learn from Japan.There are enormous differences in medicines and hospitals between rich and poor countries. Here in Norway, we get free hospital, making that most diseases can be treated. In other countries it costs like money for hospitals, but if you have advice you get the treatment you need. In poor countries it is almost no hospitals and almost no access or knowledge of medicines. The few hospitals that exists is certainly very expensive and it is not often they who work there actually know what they're doing.Living conditionsFor example, in Norway live next all with roofs over their heads and we get in the us the food we need. While in for example in countries in Africa are living on the street or in the many houses that are either too narrow or that are more like the shed. Child labor and child soldiers is not abnormal in poor countries. Many starve to death or die in other ways because of the bad living conditions.Life expectancy in Norway40 years ago lay in second place Norway for life expectancy, but this day is many countries ahead of us, but we still have a very high life expectancy. "We have something to strive for. Even though we have it very well in Norway, we shall not take good health and health service for granted, "said health Director Bjørn Guldvog.Bjørn Guldvog also believes that if the Norwegians cuts down on smoking will life expectancy rise. (found in an article about the life expectancy on nrk.no)As we see, there are major differences between the life expectancy, but it rises and rises. It will say that we need to continue the way we do it now, but there are still things we can improve on that will lead to greater increase. The most important thing is to get up the life expectancy in those countries that is situated directly on the scale. To get it we need to help as much as we can with both medications, hospitals and much more.Sources:www.wikipedia.nowww.nrk.nowww.daria.nowww.nhi.no
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
Life expectancy in rich and poor countries I write about life expectancy in rich and poor countries and go up close to that due to the high or low life expectancy. Under Theme: Health, living conditions, life expectancy in Norway difference between life expectancy in rich and poor countries is enormous. The country in the world with the highest life expectancy is China, located on 84.35. The country with the least is Swaziland, located on 48.68. Why the differences are so great? Life expectancy rises and rises been years, which is very good. This is because we know more about medications and how to live. In ten years, life expectancy in Swaziland has risen from about 33 years to about 48 years. But life expectancy is still scary low in many countries. Most of the reason that life expectancy is rising is that in poor countries, there are fewer who die before the age of five. This is because it is much better birth conditions and easier to raise children, even in poor countries. Wherever you are in the world you live longer if you're female. Health As I wrote life expectancy has risen due to more knowledge about medications, but in the poor countries are still a lot of ground to low life expectancy little knowledge of medicine and healing of diseases. Diseases that affect hardest are AIDS and HIV. AIDS and HIV is most prevalent in Africa. In the Central African Republic is about 17 thousand children and about 110,000 adults infected with HIV. It dies and many of simple diseases so we do not consider that dangerous at all. Another major reason is the diet, in the poor countries, they eat little and much the same. It causes many deaths, this is something that's hard to do something, but it's not impossible! If we look at Japan, which is the country with the highest life expectancy, we see a completely different way of life than, for example African countries. This is of course since Japan is a rich country. Most of the reason for the high life expectancy, the diet they have. They eat food that is healthy and good for the body, they eat and a lot of fish, low in sugar and little meat. This leads to little overweight and lifestyle diseases, so everyone really has something to learn from Japan. There are enormous differences between medicines and hospital between rich and poor countries. Here in Norway we get free hospital, which means that most diseases can be treated. In other countries it costs usually money for hospitals, but if you can afford, you get the treatment you need. In poor countries, there are hardly any hospitals and almost no access or knowledge of medications. The few hospitals that exist are often very expensive and it's not often those who work there really know what they are doing. Livelihoods In such Norway lives next all with shelter and we consume the food we need. While for example in African countries live many on the street or in houses that are either too tight or that looks more like shed. Child labor and child soldiers is not unusual in poor countries. Many starve to death or die in other ways because of the bad living conditions. Life expectancy in Norway 40 years ago was Norway in second place for life expectancy, but today is many countries ahead of us, but we still have a very high life expectancy . We have something to strive for. Although we have it very well in Norway, we shall not take good health and health care for granted, says Health Director Bjørn Guldvog. Bjorn Guldvog also believe that if Norwegians cuts down on smoking will life expectancy rise. (found in an article on longevity on nrk.no) As we can see there are major differences between the life expectancy, but it rises and rises. That the saying that we must continue the way we do it now, but there are still things we can improve on that will lead to larger increase. The main thing is to get up life expectancy in those countries is down on the scale. To achieve it we must help as much as we can with both medications, hospitals and much more. Sources: www.wikipedia.no www.nrk.no www.daria.no www.nhi.no

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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
Life expectancy in poor and rich countries

i should write about life expectancy in rich and poor countries and go closer to what is due to the high or low life expectancy.
under the theme: Health, living conditions, the life expectancy in Norway

The difference between life expectancy in poor and rich countries are huge. The country in the world with the highest life expectancy is China, which is located on the 84,35. The country with at least is Swaziland, which is located on the 48,68.Why are the differences so great?
Life Expectancy rises and rises for been years, which is very good. This is due to the fact that we can more about medicines and how we shall live. In ten years have life expectancy in Swaziland the step from ca 33 years to approximately 48 years. But life expectancy is still terrifying low in many countries.Most of the reason that life expectancy rises is that in the poor countries are there fewer which die before they fill five years. This is because it is much better food terms and easier to raise children, and even in the poor countries. No matter where you are in the world you live longer if you are female.
that i wrote have life expectancy increased due to more knowledge about medicines,But in the poor countries is still much of the reason for low life expectancy little knowledge about medicine and healing abilities of diseases. The diseases that frames the firmest is aids and HIV. Aids and hiv is most widespread in Africa. In the Central African Republic is approximately 17 thousand children and ca 110 thousand adults infected by HIV. It die and many of the simple diseases so we do not consider as dangerous at all.Another big reason is the diet, in the poor countries they eat little and much the same. It leads to many deaths, this is something that is difficult to do anything with, but it is not impossible!
if we look at the Japan, which is the country with the highest life expectancy, we see a completely different way to live on than for example the countries in Africa. This is of course as Japan is a rich country.Most of the reason for the high life expectancy is diet they have. They eat food that is healthy and good for your body, they eat and a lot of fish, little sugar and little meat. This leads to little over weight and lifestyle diseases, so all have really something to learn from Japan.

There are huge differences on medicines and hospital between the rich and poor countries. Here in Norway we get free hospital,Which makes that most diseases can be processed. In other countries it costs would like money for hospitals, but if you have advice you get the treatment you need. In poor countries it is almost no hospital and almost not access or knowledge about medicines. The few hospitals that exist is often very expensive and it is not often they who work there really know what they are doing.

Living Conditions
In for example Norway deliver next all with roof over your head and we will get in the us the food we need. While in for example in countries in Africa live many on the street or in the house that is either too narrow or as more similar to shed. Child labor and child soldiers are not unusual in poor countries. Many starving in death or die in other ways because of the poor lives.

Life Expectancy in Norway

For 40 years ago Norway was in second place for the expected life expectancy, but in the day of the day is located many countries in front of us but we still have a very high life expectancy. "We have something to strive for. Although we have it very good in Norway, we shall not take good health and health service that a self follow, says health director Bear Guldvog.
The Bear Guldvog also think that if the norwegians cuts down on smoking will live age rise. (found in an article about life expectancy on Nrk.no)

we see that there are major differences between life expectancy, but it rises and rises. It would say that we must continue as we do it now, but there are still things we can be improved on that will lead to greater increase.It is most important to get up the life expectancy in those countries that is situated right on the scale. To get it we must help as much as we can with both medicines, hospital and much more.


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