Det nasjonale gjennombrudd i 1840-årene førte til en språklig fornyels oversettelse - Det nasjonale gjennombrudd i 1840-årene førte til en språklig fornyels engelsk hvordan å si

Det nasjonale gjennombrudd i 1840-å

Det nasjonale gjennombrudd i 1840-årene førte til en språklig fornyelse på flere måter. Asbjørnsen og Moes gjenfortelling av folkeeventyrene gav grunnlaget for den nye norske prosa, som gjennomførte norsk stiltone i det tradisjonelle skriftspråket. Samtidig tok overlærer Knud Knudsen opp arbeidet for fornorsking på alle områder av språket (ordforrådet, orddannelse, bøyning, rettskrivning, uttale). Så kom fra 1848 de viktige arbeider av Ivar Aasen over det norske folkemål. På grunnlag av disse arbeidene, som viste sammenhengen mellom gammelnorsk og norske dialekter, bygde Aasen sin landsmålsnorm (første gang satt frem i Prøver af Landsmaalet i Norge, 1853). I sin normalform tok Aasen særlig hensyn til de dialekter som stod gammelnorsk nærmest så vel i bøyningsforhold som i lydforhold og ordforråd. Se også artikkel om norsk målreising.
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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
The national breakthrough in the 1840s led to a linguistic renewal in several ways. Asbjørnsen and MoE's retelling of folk fairy tales provided the basis for the new Norwegian prose, which conducted the Norwegian stiltone in the traditional written language. At the same time took over the teacher worked for Knud Knudsen up fore in all areas of the language (vocabulary, word formation, conjugation, spelling, pronunciation). Then came from 1848 the important works by Ivar Aasen of Norwegian target. On the basis of these works, which showed the relationship between the old Norse and Norwegian dialects, built his country norm Aasen goal (the first time put forward in trying af Landsmaalet in Norway, 1853). In its normal form took into account the Aasen in particular dialects which stood closest to old Norse as well in bending conditions such as in sound conditions and vocabulary. See also the article on the Norwegian target travel.
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
The national breakthrough in the 1840s led to a linguistic renewal in several ways. And Moe retelling of folktales provided the basis for the new Norwegian prose, which conducted Norwegian style tone in the traditional written language. At the same time took over teacher Knud Knudsen up efforts for assimilation in all areas of language (vocabulary, orddannelse, inflection, spelling, pronunciation). Then came 1848 the important work of Ivar Aasen over the Norwegian vernacular. On the basis of these works, which showed the connection between Old Norwegian and Norwegian dialects, Aasen built its land target norm (first put forward in samples af national idiom in Norway, 1853). In its normal form took Aasen particular regard to the dialects that were old Norwegian nearly as well in bøyningsforhold as in acoustics and vocabulary. See also article on Norwegian målreising.
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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
The national breakthrough in the 1840s led to a linguistic renewal in several ways. Asbjørnsen and Moes retelling of the people the adventures gave the basis for the new Norwegian Prose, who completed the Norwegian style tone in the traditional handwriting language. At the same time took over teacher Knud Knudsen up work for fornorsking in all areas of the language (vocabulary, orddannelse, bending, straight projection,Pronunciation). Then came from 1848 the important work by Ivar Aasen at the Norwegian folkemål. On the basis of these jobs, that showed the relationship between the old norwegian and Norwegian dialects, built Aasen his country landing norm (first time set up in samples af Landsmaalet in Norway, 1853).In its normal form took Aasen especially respect the dialect that stood old Norwegian near the most as well in the bending conditions as in audio and vocabulary. See also the article about the Norwegian målreising.
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