Poor and rich countries-the differences.There are quite a few differences on the poor to rich countries, some of them are not so great. But others are just terrible and that it actually is possible for a human being to have it so miserable should not have been possible.The differences on the poor to rich countries, for example, money, housing, food, etc. It is so terrible in some places that it should actually not have been possible, think of Syria now. In view of the ICE to the war that is there now, it is just terrible for the children who live there now.In rich countries have children and adults well with food to shelter no matter what, but it's not like that everywhere. There are places where people live on less than 1 $ a day, what had you thought about living on 8kr for the day?For example, here in Norway have the vast majority of the money for proper food, shelter, clothing and medicines to other necessary. But elsewhere, one has no money to give their kids food once.In countries where there is war there is enough extra difficult for poor families, it becomes harder and get food, drinks and quite a few of the families that live there will be refugees.Extremely many of those refugees are dying while they are on the run, this is an absolutely terrible things that really shouldn't happen at all.While here in the rich countries that Norway's we practically to swim in money, even those that are ' ' poor ' ' in Norway's rich if they had travelled to some of the poorest countries. It is absolutely ridiculous that we're sitting has to have lots of things worth many thousands of dollars while people in poor countries cannot afford food to drink even.We should not have let the countries become so poor so that they actually need as much help as they need now, we should have shared with them. Helped them to find something they could make money on, so eventually we could really have earned money to help these countries from being as poor as they are now. Then we had released to donate as much as we do now, so technically there had been positive for both sides.On the official lists of how much more rich than the poor human servant says that they serve about 9.6 times as much. In the United States it is so crazy that they earn 18 times as much and it is some of the most ridiculous I've seen, something like that would not have been possible even.Fortunately, in many countries, poverty on the way out, but that's not the case everywhere. In some countries it will be worse because of the corrupt State etc, it's completely ridiculous. We should really take hold of the situation in these countries to do something about it, but no one wants to do it "worse" for themselves for the people who live on under $ 2 for the day are actually going to get the roof over your head and food to drink to their families.Of national causes of poverty are natural disasters, military conflicts and political governance. If we look at the global causes are the debt developing countries have to the West a large problem. Asia is the world's part that has the greatest population, it is equivalent to about 60% of the world's population, and Asia have had an economic development, Sir. So if we had removed the statistics for Asia from the rest of the world is not the development as positive.For the moment, the situation will be better for many countries, I really hope that it will be better for all the countries that are in poverty. If we do not manage to do something with how it is now it will end with a disastrous outcome, to it I think no one will end up with, so we just have to take hold of the situation to correct in how we have made it to.
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