INTERIØR HENRY VAN DE VELDEJens Thiis, som var museets direktør fra 18 oversettelse - INTERIØR HENRY VAN DE VELDEJens Thiis, som var museets direktør fra 18 engelsk hvordan å si


Jens Thiis, som var museets direktør fra 1895, var en radikal museumsmann og sørget for å bygge opp en samling moderne kunsthåndverk fra århundreskiftet. Hans spesielle interesse for Art Nouveau-retningen, er årsaken til at museet har et eget rom, et kontor designet av den belgiske arkitekten Henry van de Velde i 1908. Henry van de Velde (1863-1957) var en nyskaper som brøt helt med gamle stilformer, og i kontorinteriøret er flere av hans møbelikoner. Skrivebordet er et godt eksempel på hvordan han brukte kurvete linjer for å myke opp møblenes maskuline karakter. Rommet fremstår i dag, etter en restaurering med utgangspunkt i van de Veldes originaltegninger, som et Gesamtkunstwerk, altså et totalkunstverk helt i designerens ånd.
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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
INTERIOR OF THE HENRY VAN DE VELDEJens Thiis, who was the Museum's Director from 1895, was a radical Museum man and made sure to build up a collection of contemporary arts and crafts from the turn of the century. His special interest in Art Nouveau-direction, is the reason why the Museum has a separate room, an Office designed by the Belgian architect Henry van de Velde in 1908. Henry van de Velde (1863-1957) was an innovator who broke completely with the old style forms, and in the Office of the Interior is more of his furniture icons. The desktop is a good example of how he used the curvy lines to soften its furnishings masculine character. The room is emerging today, after a restoration with the starting point in the van they Might the original drawings, as a Gesamtkunstwerk, a total work of art entirely in the designer's spirit.
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
INTERIOR Henry van de Velde
Jens Thiis, which was the museum's director from 1895 was a radical museum man and made ​​sure to build a collection modern art from the century. His special interest in Art Nouveau direction, is the reason that the museum has a separate room, an office designed by the Belgian architect Henry van de Velde in 1908. Henry van de Velde (1863-1957) was an innovator who broke completely with old style forms and office interiors are several of his furniture icons. The desktop is a good example of how he used curved lines to soften the furniture masculine character. The room stands today, after a restoration based on van de Velde original drawings, as a Gesamtkunstwerk, ie a total work of art in the designer's spirit.
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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
Jens thiis, which was the museum's director from 1895, was a radical museumsmann and made sure to build up a collection of contemporary arts and crafts from the turn of the century. His special interest in the Art Nouveau-orientation, is the cause of that museum has a separate room, an office designed by the Belgian architect Henry van de Strength in 1908.Henry van de Strength (1863-1957) was an innovator who broke completely with old stilformer, and in kontorinteriøret is more of his møbelikoner. Your Desktop is a good example of how he used kurvete lines to soft up møblenes gentlemen's dinner or character. Room presents itself today, after a restoration based on van de Strength original drawings, as a Gesamtkunstwerk,In other words a totalkunstverk completely in the designer's spirit.
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