Skjelvinger - Essensiell TremorHvis du har sett at jeg skjelver – LES  oversettelse - Skjelvinger - Essensiell TremorHvis du har sett at jeg skjelver – LES  engelsk hvordan å si

Skjelvinger - Essensiell TremorHvis

Skjelvinger - Essensiell Tremor
Hvis du har sett at jeg skjelver – LES DETTE.
Jeg skjelver, men det er ikke fordi jeg har vært på fylla NÅ, eller tidligere.

I de tilfellene jeg har vært skikkelig fyllesjuk har jeg tilsvarende skjelvinger som mange andre kan ha. Pr. i dag er ikke skjelvingene relatert til fyllesjuke, for jeg har ikke rørt alkohol etter desember 2011. (Godt at fyllesyke ikke varer i årevis) hehe.

Så, til poenget.
Mine skjelvinger skyldes at jeg har en lidelse som heter ” Essensiell Tremor ”, en plage som begynte når jeg var ung og som har forverret seg med årene.
Disse skjelvingene blir omtalt som godartede skjelvinger, eller familiære skjelvinger fordi det blir antatt at lidelsen kan være arvelig.

Skjelvingen er vanligvis fraværende under hvile, men den blir tydelig aktiv når armer og hender holdes ut fra kroppen. Essensiell tremor kan påvirke nesten hvilken som helst del av kroppen din, men skjelvingen forekommer oftest i hendene - spesielt når du prøver å gjøre enkle oppgaver, som å drikke fra et glass, knytte skolisser, skriving eller barbering. Den skjelvingen forverres ved opphisselse, engstelse, fysisk tretthet eller forsøk på å holde kroppsdelen i en bestemt stilling - f.eks. det å holde et fullt glass i hånden, eller når en spiser eller drikker når en er sulten og tørst.

Omtrent halvparten av essensielle tremor tilfeller ser ut til å skyldes en genetisk mutasjon. Denne formen kalles familiær tremor. Det er ikke klart hva som forårsaker essensiell tremor hos personer uten kjent genetisk mutasjon.
Medisinske forskere har fastslått at ca halvparten av alle godartede essensiell tremor tilfellene er forårsaket av en genetisk mutasjon som blir referert til som en familiær tremor. ET er ansett som en autosomal dominant lidelse. En person med en forelder som besitter den genetiske mutasjonen kan ha opp til 50 prosent sjanse for å arve genet.
Essensiell tremor er ikke livstruende, men symptomene ofte forverres over tid. Hvis skjelvinger blir alvorlig, kan du finne det vanskelig å:
• Hold en kopp eller glass uten å søle
• Spise normalt
• Settes på makeup eller barbere
• Skriv leselig i din vanlige stil
• Lodde eller sveise uten å bruke begge hender
Amerikanske tall viser at opptil 25% av dem med essensiell tremor slutter i arbeid før de skal gå av med alderspensjon. (Dette fordi skjevingene stopper dem fra å utføre deres arbeide.) Inntak av alkohol gjør ofte skjelvingen mindre fremtredende. Dette er kjent blant leger og behandlere. Og-Det er forståelig for de som skjønner seg på dette.
Sykdommen er kronisk, og man må forvente at skjelvingen varer livet ut. Tilstanden kan være både plagsom og hemmende, og den kan påvirke en lidende evnen til å ivareta daglige aktiviteter. Det er viktig å være åpen om situasjonen, slik at man slipper å stresse med å forsøke å skjule plagene overfor andre hele tiden.
Livsstilsendringer kan hjelpe for noen. Yoga eller avspenningsøvelser kan prøves. Kutte ut koffein (kaffe og te ), og prøve å unngå stress.
For å takle skjelvinger, kan du prøve å bruke tyngre kopper og bestikk når du spiser, drikke gjennom et sugerør og skrive på PC i stedet for å skrive for hånd. Plagene kan også lindres ved å bruke en vekt som er festet på håndleddet. Noen opplever bedring når de drikker alkohol, men legene anbefaler ikke å drikke regelmessig. Alkohol er avhengighetsdannende og symptomene kan forverres når du blir edru. (Det vet jeg ALT om).
Årsaken til mitt innlegg
Jeg har alltid vært åpen om min lidelse til mine bekjente. Noen har forstått, andre ikke.
Sammen med de bekjente som har forstått, har vi hatt mange latterkuler angående mine vanvittige skelvinger. Latterkulene har som regel oppstått når jeg har hatt henda inni en TV eller lignende, da med en skrutrekker eller en loddebolt i hånda. Med strømmen tilkoblet er det lov å tenke seg hva som skjedde. Hehe.

Så til den mer alvorlige siden vedrørende mine skjelvinger.

Det gjelder de som snakker om mine skjelvinger bak min rygg, uten å spørre meg om hvorfor jeg skjelver. De er neppe de eneste som tror at skjevingene skyldes at jeg drakk alkohol tidligere, eller at jeg drikker nå.

Hvis det var jeg som ble den lidende parten vedrørende dette, ville jeg gitt f... i hva de prata om. Men - nå for tiden er det dama mi som for li grunnet ondskapsfulle bemerkninger fra hennes kvinnelige bekjente. Disse kvinnene prøver å latteriggjøre dama ved å si at hun har for stor tillit til meg og mine utsagn vedrørende skjelvingene.
De mener at jeg lyver til dama og at jeg skjelver fordi jeg har vært på fylla nå, eller tidligere.
Jeg antar at dette stammer fra hva mine mannlige bekjente har fortalt til deres kvinner, samboere eller ektefeller, og at de kan ha diskutert dette sammen og eventuelt med andre og ment at drikking av alkoholholdige drikker er årsaken til mine skjelvinger.

Jeg blir fortalt det meste,,, og derfor kjenner jeg til hvem som snakker bak min rygg.
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Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
Tremors-Essential TremorIf you've seen that I'm shaking-read THIS. I'm shaking, but it's not because I've been drinking NOW, or earlier.In those cases I have been really hung over, I have similar tremors that many others may have. As of today skjelvingene is not related to the hangover, for I have not touched alcohol after December 2011. (Well that hangover does not last for years) hehe.So, to the point.My tremors due to the fact that I have a disorder called "Essential Tremor", a nuisance that started when I was young and that has worsened over the years.These skjelvingene are referred to as benign tremors, or familial tremors because it is assumed that suffering can be hereditary.Shaking is usually absent at rest, but it is clearly active when the arms and hands are held out from the body. Essential tremor can affect almost any part of your body, but most often occurs in the hands shaking-especially when you are trying to do simple tasks, like drinking from a glass, tying shoelaces, writing or shave. The shaking worsens by arousal, anxiety, physical fatigue or attempt to keep the body section of a specific position-eg. keeping a full glass in the hand, or when a eat or drink when one is hungry, and thirsty.Causes About half of the essential tremor cases appears to be due to a genetic mutation. This form is called familial tremor. It is not clear what is causing the essential tremor in people without known genetic mutation.Genetics Medical researchers have determined that about half of all benign essential tremor cases are caused by a genetic mutation that is referred to as a familial tremor. A is considered a autosomal dominant disorder. A person with a parent who possesses the genetic mutation can have up to 50 percent chance of inheriting the gene. Complications Essential tremor is not life-threatening, but symptoms often worsen over time. If the tremors are getting serious, you may find it difficult to: • Hold a cup or glass without spilling • Eat normally • Be put on makeup or shave • Write legibly in your normal style • Solder or welding without using both handsU.s. figures show that up to 25% of those with essential tremor is leaving work before they're going to get off with the old age pension. (This because happen stops them from the wings to perform their work.) Intake of alcohol often makes shaking less prominent. This is known among doctors and managers. And-it is understandable for those who knows this.ForecastThe disease is chronic, and you have to expect that the shaking lasts a lifetime. The condition can be both troublesome and retardant, and it can affect a sufferer the ability to attend to daily activities. It is important to be open about the situation, so that you don't have to rush to try to hide the plagues to others all the time.Self helpLifestyle changes can help for anyone. Yoga or relaxation exercises can be sampled. Cut out caffeine (coffee and tea), and try to avoid stress.To cope with tremors, you can try to use heavier cups and cutlery when eating, drinking through a straw and write on your PC rather than to write by hand. Plagues can also be alleviated by using a weight that is attached to your wrist. Someone experiencing improvement when they drink alcohol, but doctors do not recommend to drink regularly. Alcohol is addictive and the symptoms can worsen when you are sober. (I know all about).The reason for my postI have always been open about my suffering to my acquaintances. Some have understood, others do not.Along with the acquaintances who have understood, we have had many laughter bullets regarding my outrageous skelvinger. Laughter bullets have usually occurred when I have had his hands inside a TV or similar, then with a screwdriver or a soldering iron in hand. With the power connected is it allowed to imagine what happened. Hehe.As to the more serious side regarding my tremors.It applies to those who are talking about my tremors behind my back, without asking me about why I'm shaking. They are hardly the only ones who think that happen the wings due to the fact that I drank alcohol before, or that I drink now.If it was me who was the suffering party regarding this, I would have given f ... in what de prata. But-now there are currently my girl as for li due to vicious remarks from her female acquaintances. These women are trying to latteriggjøre the Lady by saying that she has great confidence to me and my statements regarding skjelvingene.They think that I lie to the girl and that I'm shaking because I've been drinking now, or earlier. I guess that this stems from what my male acquaintances have told to their women, cohabitants or spouses, and that they may have discussed this together and possibly with others and meant that the drinking of alcoholic beverages is the cause of my tremors.I'm being told most of it, and, therefore, I know who's talking behind my back.
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
Tremors - Essential Tremor
If you have seen that I tremble - READ THIS.
I tremble, but it's not because I've been drunk now or in the past. In those cases I've been really hungover, I have similar tremors which many others may have . Pr. Today is not tremor related to hangover, because I have not touched alcohol since December 2011. (Well that hangover does not last for years) hehe. So, to the point. My trembling because I have a disorder called "Essential Tremor "a plague that began when I was young and which has deteriorated over the years. These tremor is referred to as benign tremor or familial tremor because it is believed that the disorder may be inherited. this symptom is usually absent during rest, but it becomes apparent active when arms and hands held out from the body. Essential tremor can affect virtually any part of your body, but the tremor occurs most often in the hands - especially when trying to do simple tasks, like drinking from a glass, tying shoelaces, writing or shaving. The tremor aggravated by agitation, anxiety, physical fatigue or effort to keep the body part in a particular position - eg. keeping a full glass in hand, or when one eats or drinks when one is hungry and thirsty. Causes Approximately half of essential tremor cases appear to be due to a genetic mutation. This form is called familial tremor. It is not clear what causes essential tremor in people without a known genetic mutation. Genetic Medical researchers have determined that about half of all benign essential tremor cases are caused by a genetic mutation that is referred to as familial tremor. ET is considered an autosomal dominant disorder. A person with a parent who possesses the genetic mutation can have up to 50 percent chance of inheriting the gene. Complications Essential tremor is not life-threatening, but the symptoms often worsen over time. If tremors are severe, you may find it difficult to: • Hold a cup or glass without spilling • Eat normally • Set on makeup or shave • Write legibly in your usual style • Solder or weld without using both hands US figures show that up to 25% of those with essential tremor cease to work before they retire with pension. (This is because happen wings stop them from carrying out their work.) Drinking alcohol often makes the tremor less prominent. This is known among doctors and therapists. And-It is understandable for those who realize at this. Prognosis The disease is chronic, and one must expect that the tremor lasts a lifetime. The condition can be both troublesome and resistant, and it can affect a sufferer ability to manage daily activities. It is important to be open about the situation, so that you avoid the stress of trying to hide the discomfort of others all the time. Self Help Lifestyle changes can help some. Yoga or relaxation exercises can be tested. Cutting out caffeine (coffee and tea), and try to avoid stress. To cope with tremors, try to use heavier cups and cutlery when eating, drinking through a straw and typing on computer instead of hand-writing. The symptoms can also be alleviated by using a weight that is attached to the wrist. Some feel better when they drink alcohol, but doctors do not recommend drinking regularly. Alcohol is addictive and symptoms may worsen when you are sober. (I know EVERYTHING about). The reason for my post I have always been open about my illness to my acquaintances. Some have understood, others not. Along with the acquaintances who have understood, we have had many laughter regarding my frenzied skelvinger. Laughter spheres have usually occurred when I had your hands inside a TV or the like, then with a screwdriver or soldering iron in hand. With power connected is allowed to imagine what happened. Hehe. So the more serious side concerning my tremors. It applies to those who are talking about my shivering behind my back, without asking me why I tremble. They are hardly the only ones who think that happen wings because I drank alcohol before, or that I drink now. If it was I who was the sufferer party regarding this, I would leave f ... in what they talked about. However - nowadays it's my woman like li due vicious remarks of her female acquaintances. These women are trying to latteriggjøre woman by saying that she has great confidence in me and my statements regarding tremor. They think that I'm lying to dam and I tremble because I have been drunk now or in the past. I suppose this stems from what my male acquaintances have told of their women, partners or spouses, and that they may have discussed this together and possibly with others and meant that the drinking of alcoholic beverages is the cause of my tremors. I am told most ,,, and therefore I know of who are talking behind my back.

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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
Tremor - Essential Tremors
if you have seen that i shivering - READ THIS.
i shivering, but it is not because i have been to create NOW, or earlier.

in those cases I have been properly fyllesjuk have i corresponding tremors as many other can have. Per today is not skjelvingene related to be filled juke, for I have not touched alcohol after December 2011.(well that fill the sick does not last for years) hehe.

So, to the point.
My tremors caused by the fact that i have a disease called " Essential Tremors ", a plague that began when I was young and that has deteriorated with years.
These skjelvingene is commonly referred to as the benign ones tremors, or familial tremors because it is assumed that the anguish can be heritable.

The shivers is usually absent during sleep, but it is clearly active when the arms and hands held out from the body. Essential tremors can affect almost any part of your body, but the shivers occurs most often in your hands - especially when you are trying to make simple tasks such as to drink from a glass, associate skolisser, writing or shave.The shivers is exacerbated by arousal, anxiety, physical fatigue or attempts to keep the body part in a certain position - e.g. to keep a fully glass in your hand or when a eat or drink when a hungry and thirsty.

roughly half of essential tremors cases seems to due to a genetic mutation. This form is called the familiar tremors.It is not clear what that causes essential tremor of persons without known genetic mutation.
Medical researchers have determined that about half of all benign ones essential tremors cases is caused by a genetic mutation that will be referred to as a familiar tremors. A is considered as an autosomal dominant disorder.A person with a parent who possesses the genetic mutation can have up to 50 percent chance to inherit genet.
Essential tremors are not life-threatening, but the symptoms often get worse over time. If tremors are serious, can you find it difficult to:
• hold a cup or glass without spilling
• Dining normally
• is set on as our guest or shave
• Write readable in your usual style
• Soldering or welding without using both hands
American figures show that up to 25% of them with essential tremors ends in the work before they should go out with age pensions. (This happen because the wings stops them from to perform their work.) The Intake of alcohol makes often the shivers less prominent. This is known among doctors and behandlere.Og-Det is understandable for those who understand this.
the disease is chronic and one must expect that the shivers last a lifetime. The condition can be both intrusive and inhibiting, and it can affect a negative impact on the ability to support the daily activities. It is important to be open about the situation, eliminating the need to scramble to try to hide the discomfort the opposite the other all the time.
Self Help
Lifestyle changes can help for some. Yoga or annealing exercises can be sampled. Cut out caffeine (coffee and tea ) and try to avoid stress.
to tackle tremors, you can try to use heavier cups and cutlery when you eat, drink through a suction pipe and write on the PC instead of writing by hand. The discomfort can also eased by using a weight attached on the wrist.Some experience improvement when they drink alcohol, but the doctors do not recommend to drink regularly. Alcohol is addicting and the symptoms can get worse when you are sober. (There i know all about).
cause of my posts
i have always been open about my grief to my confession. Some have understood, other not.
together with the confessed that have understood,We have had a lot of laughs bullets regarding my insane skelvinger. Laughter balls typically have occurred when i have had henda inside a TV or similar, then with a screwdriver or a soldering iron in hand. With the power connected to it is allowed to think what happened. Hehe.

so to the more serious as regarding my tremors.

it applies to the talking about my tremors behind my back,Without having to ask me about why i tremble. They are hardly the only ones who believe that happen wings caused by the fact that I drank alcohol previously or that I drink now.

if it was I who was the suffering party regarding this i would give F... in what they prata about. But - now for the future is the dama mi which of the Li due to vicious remarks from her female acquaintances.These women are trying to latteriggjøre dama by to say that she has for the great trust in me and my statements regarding skjelvingene.
they think that I lie to the lady and that i am shivering because i have been to create now, or earlier.
I guess this originates from what my male acquaintances have told to their women, which the PSA or real traps,And that they may have discussed this together and optionally with other and meant that the drinking of alcoholic beverages is the cause of my tremors.

i will be told the closest,,, and therefore i know to who speaks behind my back.
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