UDI mener at denne bestemmelsen ikke er til hinder for å sende persone oversettelse - UDI mener at denne bestemmelsen ikke er til hinder for å sende persone engelsk hvordan å si

UDI mener at denne bestemmelsen ikk

UDI mener at denne bestemmelsen ikke er til hinder for å sende personen ut fra Norge på dette tidspunktet.
For å fa fornyet en midlertidig oppholdstillatelse må grunnlaget for førstegangs tillatelse fortsatt være til stede. En fornyelse kan imidlertid ikke gis dersom den gitte tillatelsen ikke kan fornyes. Dette følger av utlendingsloven § 61 første ledd, jf. Utlendingsforskriften § 10-21 første ledd.
Vilkårene for fornyelse er ikke oppfylt.
Selv om de øvrige vilkårene for å fa oppholdstillatelse ikke er oppfylt, kan UDI likevel gi søkeren oppholdstillatelse dersom det foreligger sterke menneskelige hensyn, eller dersom søkeren har særlig tilknytning til Norge. jf. Utlendingsloven § 38 første ledd.
Søkeren har ingen særlig tilknytning til Norge, og det foreligger heller ikke streke menneskelige hensyn som taler for å gjøre unntak fra de alminnelige vilkårene for tillatelse.
Det følger av langvarig forvaltningspraksis at opphold i litt over 1 år ikke anses tilstrekkelig for å gi søkeren særlig tilknytning til Norge.
Fra: -
Til: -
Resultater (engelsk) 1: [Kopiere]
UDI believes that this provision does not preclude sending the person out from Norway at this time.To get renewed a temporary residence permit must be the basis for first-time permission still be present. A renewal can, however, not be given if the given permission can not be renewed. This follows from the Immigration Act § 61 first paragraph, cf.. The immigration section 10-21 first paragraph.The terms of renewal is not met.Even if the other criteria for fa residence permit are not met, the applicant can still give UDI residence permit if there are compassionate grounds, or if the applicant has particularly connection to Norway. CF. The Immigration Act section 38 the first paragraph.The applicant has no particular association with Norway, and there are also not stroking human considerations that speaks to make exceptions from the general terms and conditions of the permission.It follows from the long-lasting management practice that stay in a little over 1 year is not considered sufficient to provide the applicant particularly connection to Norway.
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Resultater (engelsk) 2:[Kopiere]
UDI believes that this provision does not preclude sending the person out of Norway at this time.
To fa renewed a temporary residence permit must be the basis for the initial permit may still be present. A renewal can not be granted if the permit granted can not be renewed. This follows from the Immigration Act § 61 first paragraph, cf.. Immigration Regulations § 10-21 first paragraph.
The conditions for renewal are not met.
Even if the other conditions required to obtain a residence permit are not met, the UDI can still give the applicant a residence permit if there are strong humanitarian regard, or if the applicant has a special connection to Norway. cf. the Immigration Act § 38 first paragraph.
The applicant has no particular connection to Norway, and there is not stroking human considerations in favor of making exceptions to the general conditions of the permit.
It follows lengthy administrative practice that stays in a little over one year is not deemed sufficient to give the applicant a special connection to Norway.
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Resultater (engelsk) 3:[Kopiere]
Welfare Administration (believes that this provision is not an obstacle to send the person out from Norway at this time.
to fa renewed a temporary residence permit must be the basis for first-time permit still be present. A renewal, however, cannot be given if the given the permit can not be renewed. This follows the immigration act § 61 first joints, ref.Utlendingsforskriften § 10-21 first joints.
Terms for renewal has not been met.
even if other terms and conditions to fa residence permits have not been met, can Welfare Administration (still give the applicant residence permit if there is strong human respect, or if applicant has especially connection to Norway, cf. Immigration Act § 38 first joints.
Applicant has no particular connection to Norway,And there is no stroking human respect that speak to make exceptions from the general terms and conditions for permission.
the consequences of long-term responsible management practices that stay in a little over 1 years not be considered sufficient to provide applicant especially connection to Norway.
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