Hei Line. Ikke noe problem. Du kan komme ikveld (tidligste kl 17). Addressen er Lørenvangen 31A, 0585. Sende meg en sms : 97353778 når du er på vei. Takk og vi ses! Mvh, Mari
Hi Line. No problem. You can come tonight (early at 17). The address is Lørenvangen 31A, 0585. Send me a sms: 97353778 when you are on the way. Thank you and see you! Mvh, Mari
Hi Line. No problem. You can come tonight (earliest at 17). Address is Lørenvangen 31A, 0585. Send me an sms: 97353778 when you are heading. Thanks and we'll see! Regards, Mari
Hello Line. Not a problem. You can get ikveld (early kl 17). Url is Lørenvangen 31A, 0585. Send me a sms : 97353778 when you are on the way. Thank you and we'll see you! MVH, Mari