Hi MirijamSend this inquiry on to and asking them Keystep follow up and contact you.Remind you that it is important that you work and store documentation on the Terminal Server in the areas of:G:800-TSB-stavangerOrH: (where only you see it you save)Requesting that Keystep so that you can assist to see "local disk" and can move documents from the usb/lokal disk.And can be the need to be able to print locally from your pc.With best regardsIngeborg Fjeldstad EriksenController[cid: URimage001.png @ 01D09D3B. DD2F4BC0]The Church's Social ServiceStorgata 10BTel 32 23 50 75Mob 91 72 72 10i.f.eriksen@s-ks.nowww.kirkenssosialtjeneste.noFrom: Mirjam Fabricius-ZutaSent: June 2, 2015 13:56To: Ingeborg Fjeldstad EriksenTopic: Printning at Villa SolborgHi IngeborgI'm struggling to get the printed documents out of Solborg (from desktop computerens almindelige i.e. not online). I get it just to, when I printer from your Inbox. Håber you can help with a tip, when I often get brug for that print worddokumenter from desktop or USB stik?Best regardsMirjam Fabricius-ZutaPsychologistThe Church's Socialtjeneste TSB Stavanger[cid: URimage001.png @ 01D09D3B. DD2F4BC0]Phone: 94,026,500M.F.Zuta@s-ks.noTSB.stavanger@s-ks.no
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