One must also remember that wedges and sleeve must have been cut out of the other jarekanten than bolen (if they belong to the same vevebane), and there may other varpforhold for the council. That many of koftedelene (bolen, sleeves, wedge A, wedge C and wedge D) have the characteristic varpskille forces such a theory.Another relationship that forces theory is that Schjølberg has demonstrated the same combination of thin and thick veftgarn in bolen and in wedge C. The difference is significant, then the thin veften in measures 0.90 mm in average, and the thick 1.37 mm (The two different veftgarnene has been used in every two touches, something Schjølberg has observed in the ingredients jarekanter,The bolens part both by wedge C and on top of the preserved sidesømstykket. The use of two veftgarn she has also seen in wedge D his jare. Since wedge D likely belong to the same vevebane that wedge C (which i will come back to), it means that at least three of the parts with a large probability originates from the same vevebane. Wedge E also displays used by two veftgarn in his jarekant.
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